Full-time studies

Second degree full-time studies

At the Faculty of Economics, you can study second-cycle studies in three fields in Polish which offer several interesting specialisations::

  • Economics
  • International Economic Relations
  • Business and Environmental Technology - interdisciplinary studies - with the Faculty of Chemistry


and for studies in English:


Students of the Faculty of Economics can take advantage of internships and placements abroad to over 80 locations worldwide as part of the Erasmus+ program, bilateral agreements with foreign universities, and a wide range of elective subjects in English.

Recruitment for full-time second-cycle studies in the following fields, Economics and International Economic Relations, is conducted for the course, and the choice of specialisation (carried out in semesters 2-4) takes place at the end of the 1st semester of studies.



Business Analytics in Enterprise
Specialisation in the field of

Specialisation in the field of

Specialisation in the field of


Global Financial Services
Specialisation in the field of
International Economic Relations

International Trade
Specialisation in the field of
International Economic Relations

Business Intelligence in Open Economy
Specialisation in the field of


International Managerial Economics
Specialisation in the field of
International Economic Relations

International Marketing Strategies
Specialisation in the field of
International Economic Relations

International Maritime Transport and Trade
Specialisation in the field of
International Economic Relations


Maritime Offshore Sectors
Specialisation in the field of

Business Development Strategies
Specialisation in the field of


International Business
English studies

Logistics and Mobility
English studies

Business and Environmental Technology
Interdisciplinary studies - with the
Faculty of Chemistry


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Submitted on Wed, 08/16/2023 - 13:40 by Waldemar Kuczewski Changed on Mon, 09/02/2024 - 15:00 by Waldemar Kuczewski