After qualifying for the Erasmus+

After qualifying for the Erasmus+

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What to do after the qualification to ERASMUS?

You must complete the Learning Agreement Form (LA) containing your chosen subject of the host institution and settlement form of study.

Details can be found in the tab:

How to complete the Learning Agreement | Wydział Ekonomiczny Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego


The Erasmus mobility does not exempt from the obligation to submit the diploma thesis within the deadline set out in the University of Gdańsk Study Regulations.

Choosing subjects to study in the framework of the ERASMUS+ program, you must be guided by the following principles:

  • Qualified students are required to complete a study program appropriate to their field/specialization and approved in the Learning Agreement (OLA) amounting to at least 30 ECTS points/semester;

  • Students leaving for a semester are required to pass subjects enabling to obtain a total number equal to or greater than 30 ECTS credits while leaving the full-year number equal to or greater than 60 ECTS credits;

  • Students cannot choose subjects already completed in the Faculty of Economics;

  • If possible in the first step select subjects that are executed at the Faculty of Economics in the existing programs of study or are equivalent to those taught at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk as part of the applicable study;

  • Students can select any number of subjects in the field of foreign language learning, but these items will be integrated in the study completion in the Faculty of Economics up to 6 credits.

  • Students should complete subjects at a partner university abroad under the Erasmus+ program that are similar in content and learning outcomes to those in the program for the field of study at UG. This means that it is advisable to find equivalents to general and major subjects.

Your LA form must be approved by one of the coordinators of the ERASMUS+ program, and then by the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics of the University according to the following deadlines:
- Not later than 15 June for students leaving for the winter semester or the full year;
- No later than 15 November for students leaving for the summer semester.

NOTE – condition for subject approval by the coordinator of the form LA is the presentation of the completed settlement form.

NOTE - LA along and settlement form of studies program must be submitted to the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, room no.  127 at least 7 days before the required date of approval by the Dean (Dean's Office does not accept the submission of LA without simultaneously form the settlement).


I am already abroad and I need to change my Learning Agreement?

If after the arrival at the partner university for any reason it becomes necessary to change the approved program, there must be completed appropriate forms:
•    the page of Form LA – Changes (DURING THE MOBILITY), taking into consideration the above rules;
•    the settlement of a revised form of studies conducted abroad

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The procedure for signing Changes to LA is the same as for signing the LA (in case of stay abroad scanned forms, both LA and a settlement form of study should be sent to a trusted person who will deal with the approval of forms by the coordinator and the dean or directly to the coordinator.

NOTE! One of the most common mistakes made when making changes to LA is not signing the form. Dear student, before sending the form SIGN IT!


Beginning and settlement of the semester

Before carrying out mobility, the student is obliged to inform the Dean's Office of the home faculty about this fact.

In order to complete the semester, the Erasmus+ exchange student must provide the following documents to the Dean's office:

  • LA, LA Changes, Internal Addendum (up to one month from the beginning of classes at the host university)
  • Transcript of Record (from the host university before the end of the resit examination session at the Faculty of Economics)

Lack of the documents mentioned above will result in failure to complete the semester as well as removal from the list of students.

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Submitted on Mon, 02/03/2025 - 10:51 by Waldemar Kuczewski Changed on Tue, 02/04/2025 - 08:10 by Waldemar Kuczewski