Student dictionary

Student dictionary


SS1 – Full-time, 1st degree studies (Bachelor studies), 3-year program which ends with obtaining Bachelor title


NS1 – Part-time, 1st degree studies (Bachelor studies), 3-year program which ends with obtaining Bachelor title


SS2 – Full-time, 2nd degree studies (Master studies), 2-year program which ends with obtaining Master title


NS2 – Part-time, 2nd degree studies (Master studies), 2-year program which ends with obtaining Master title


STUDY REGULATIONS - student Bible which contains all the rules, rights and student obligations


RECTOR – a person managing the whole university


DEAN OF THE FACULTY OF ECONOMICS – a person managing the whole faculty


DEAN’S OFFICE – a place where you can get help on many student’s issues


RECTOR’S HOURS – hours free off lectures at the whole university


DEAN’S HOURS – hours free off lectures at the whole faculty


STUDENT’S RECORD BOOK NUMBER – your index number


ELECTRONIC INDEX – your ratings are given via Electronic Index, available on the Student’s Portal


GROUP REPRESENTATIVE – a person chosen by the students to represent them on all student’s issues


PDW – elective (also e-learning)


FOREIGN LANGUAGE COURSE – classes on foreign language


WEEK I and WEEK II – since some classes take place every other week, this distinction was necessary. Week I is always the week in which the semester starts. Week II is the subsequent week. They come in turns.


Icon with the number of the current week can be found in the header of the Faculty of Economics webpage:

Numer aktualnego tygodnia w nagłówku strony internetowej grafika


„WEJŚCIÓWKA” – a kind of student’s test, an entrance test, usually unexpected


KOLOKWIUM – announced student’s test


EXAMINATION SESSION – during that period examinations take place


RE-SIT EXAM – students who received a failing grade have the right to take one more chance which is usually in the correction session (September for the summer semester and February/March for winter semester), if fails again, may write the petition to the Dean for a course credit commission to be convened


SEMINAR – classes during which you learn how to write your diploma thesis and consult your progress with your supervisor


SUPERVISOR / PROMOTER – a person who guide you while writing your diploma thesis


LEAVE FROM COURSES – leave from courses of study, granted by the Dean


NEPTUNALIA – student’s holidays during which many events organized by the University of Gdansk take place


OTRZĘSINY – event organized for the first-year students to celebrate their admission to the university

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Submitted on Fri, 08/11/2023 - 11:00 by Roland Olszewski Changed on Wed, 08/14/2024 - 13:26 by Roland Olszewski