Research activity

Research activity

Research at the Department of International Business focuses on a wide range of topics, including:

  • the functioning of international markets within the global economy,
  • international economic relations and foreign trade,
  • entrepreneurship, competitiveness, innovation, and the internationalization of enterprises,
  • marketing, with particular emphasis on areas such as market analysis, product development, distribution strategies, pricing policies, communication and promotion across various channels, customer relationship management, and brand management,
  • finance, encompassing banking, financial markets, exchange rate risk management, international settlements, stock market operations, derivative financial instrument exchanges, and insurance.


Scientific publications:


Scientific, didactic and development projects:

Pomeranian Digital Innovation Hubs (PDIH), project implemented in the period 01.10.2022-30.09.2025, financing: European Commission, Digital Europe 2021-2027 – head dr Magdalena Markiewicz

DigiMates, Development of Innovative, Gamified and Interactive Method for Advanced e-Teaching and E-learning of Skills; project implemented in the period 01.03.2021-28.02.2023, financing: European Commission, Erasmus+ 2014-2021. Project consortium: University of Ljubljana (Leader; Slovenia), Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey), Heilbronn University (Germany), University of Leon (Spain) and University of Gdansk (Poland) – head at UG dr hab. Joanna Bednarz, prof. UG; project team: dr Magdalena Markiewicz, dr Aleksandra Aziewicz, dr Tomasz Michałowski, mgr Przemysław Wysiński.

Innovative Didactics – development of competences of lecturers at the Faculty of Economics, project implemented in the period 01.09.2017-31.05.2019, as part of the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development Axis III. Higher education for the economy and development, Activity 3.4 Management in higher education institutions – dr Magdalena Markiewicz head of the project; dr hab. Joanna Bednarz, prof. UG executor of Task 4. Activities improving teaching competences of university staff in the field of innovative teaching skills (case study method) and coordinator of Task 5. Workshops on innovative teaching skills – Moderator Design Thinking training.

Consumers towards the concept of a common guarantee trademark of Polish family businesses, a scientific project carried out in the period 24.01.2017-23.11.2019, financed by the National Science Centre OPUS; 11th edition – executor dr hab. Joanna Bednarz, prof. UG (head dr hab. Anna Maria Nikodemska-Wołowik, prof. UG).

Re-vitalisation of the European Route in the South Baltic Area - Pomeranian Way of St. James, project implemented in the period 01.01.2011-31.12.2014, within the framework of the European Union program (South Baltic Program) - head prof. dr hab. Bohdan Jeliński.

Relational capital in the SME sector, own research project implemented in the period 12.10.2009-11.04.2011, financed by the minister responsible for science on the basis of the act of 8 October 2004 on the principles of financing science; competition 37 - head dr Tomasz Czuba.

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Submitted on Tue, 12/31/2024 - 10:53 by Tomasz Czuba Changed on Tue, 12/31/2024 - 10:55 by Tomasz Czuba