Research activity
Research activity
Research areas
- CSR and sustainable development
- global economy
- human resource management
- financial markets
- family entrepreneurialism
- consumer behaviour
- intellectual property protection
- silver economy
Scientific projects
Project funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) between Poland and Austria: "Community Building & Civic Crowdfunding", implemented since 2024. Project leader: Joanna Adamska.
Erasmus+ project funded by the European Commission: "Sustainable Communities & Crowdfunding Education Support", implemented since 2023. Project leader: IMC Krems, Austria. On behalf of the University of Gdańsk: Joanna Adamska and Urszula Mrzygłód
- Project NCN Sonata: Socio-psychological motivations for supporting social and commercial crowdfunding campaigns, since 2022, principal investigator: Joanna Adamska
- Project NCN OPUS: Factors influencing tourists' choice of transportation in ten European capitals, since 2022, principal investigator: Piotr Zientara
- International Project Erasmus + Strategic Partnership: Professional UNcertainty Competence PUNC, since 2020, project coordinator at University of Gdansk: Renata Orłowska.
- Project NCN OPUS 11: Consumers' attitudes towards the concept of a collective guarantee trademark of Polish family businesses. A project implemented in 2017-2019, principal investigator: Anna Maria Nikodemska-Wołowik
- Project NCN SONATA: The phenomenon of dividend smoothing on emerging stock exchanges: occurrence and determinants. A project implemented in 2015-2019, principal investigator: Urszula Mrzygłód
Selected scientific articles
- Poier, S., Nikodemska-Wołowik, A. M., & Suchanek, M. (2025). Should I buy or should I go? The effect of the Big Five Personality traits and satisfaction with life on e-bike ownership in Germany. Transport Policy, 162, 188–199.
- Poier, S., & Nikodemska-Wołowik, A. M. (2024). Germany under the tinfoil hat? The associations of the big five personality traits and coronavirus conspiracy beliefs with the intention to get vaccinated. Journal of Infection and Public Health, 17, Article 9.
- Jażdżewska-Gutta, M., Nikodemska-Wołowik, A. M., & Wach, D. (2024). Decoding online consumer behaviour towards counterfeits: insights from systematic literature review and future research framework. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio H Oeconomia, 58, Article 4.
- Poier S., Nikodemska-Wołowik A. M., Suchanek M., (2022) How higher-order personal values affect the purchase of electricity storage—Evidence from the German photovoltaic market, Journal of Consumer Behaviour
- Mejia, C., Bąk, M., Zientara, P., & Orlowski, M. (2022). Importance-performance analysis of socially sustainable practices in U.S. restaurants: A consumer perspective in the quasi-post-pandemic context. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 113,
- Osiecka A., Wróbel A. Hendricks I., Osiecka-Brzeska K., Being ECR in marine science: results of a survey among early career marine scientists and conservationists, Frontiers in Marine Science, August 2022.
- Zientara, P., Adamska-Mieruszewska, J., & Bąk, M. (2021). Hotel employees’ views on fairness, well-being and collective representation in times of the coronavirus crisis: Evidence from Poland. Industrial Relations Journal, 52(5), 458-475.
- Osiecka A., Wróbel A., Quer S., Osiecka-Brzeska K., Unpaid work in marine science: A snaphot of early career job market, Frontiers in Marine Science, August 2021.
- Mrzygłód U., Nowak S., Mosionek-Schweda M., Kwiatkowski J. M., What drives the dividend decisions in BRICS countries?, Oeconomia Copernicana, 2021, vol. 12, nr 3, s.593-629. DOI:10.24136/oc.2021.020.
- Croes, R., Ridderstaat, J., Bak, M., & Zientara, P. (2021). Tourism specialization, economic growth, human development and transition economies: The case of Poland. Tourism Management, 82, 1-8.
- Nikodemska-Wolowik, A.M., Zientara, P., & Zamojska, A. (2021). A family-enterprise collective certification trademark: consumer insight. Journal of Family Business Management, 11(2), 185-199.
- Shneor, R., Mrzygłód, U., Adamska-Mieruszewska, J., & Fornalska-Skurczyńska, A., (2021), The role of social trust in reward crowdfunding campaigns’ design and success. Electronic Markets, 1-16.
- Nikodemska-Wołowik, A. M., Wach, D., Andruszkiewicz, K., & Otukoya, A. (2021). Conscious shopping of middle-class consumers during the pandemic: Exploratory study in Mexico, Nigeria, Poland, and Sri Lanka. International Journal of Management and Economics, 57(3), 209–219.
- Nikodemska-Wołowik, A. M., Zientara, P., & Zamojska, A. (2021). A family-enterprise collective certification trademark: consumer insight. Journal of Family Business Management, 11(2), 185–199.
- Adamska-Mieruszewska, J., Mrzygłód, U., Suchanek, M., & Fornalska-Skurczyńska, A. (2021). Keep it simple. The impact of language on crowdfunding success. Economics & Sociology, 14(1), 130-144.
- K.Żołądkiewicz, R.Orłowska (2020), Imperfection of the World Trade Organization as a Hazard for International Business, Engineering Economics, 31(3),
- Nikodemska-Wolowik, A., Bednarz, J., Wach, D., Kubik, M., & Little, J. (2020). Building aware and unaware consumers’ trust towards family business: Evidence from Poland. Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 8(3), 135-154.
- Adamska-Mieruszewska, J., & Mrzygłód U. (2020). Foreign listing pricing effects. The case of emerging economies. Bank i Kredyt 4, 367-381.
- Zientara, P., Bohdanowicz-Godfrey, P., Whitely, C., & Maciejewski, G. (2020). A case study of LightStay (2010-2017) - Hilton’s corporate responsibility management system. Energies, 13(9), 2303;
- Zientara, P., Zamojska, A., & Cirella, G. T. (2020). Participatory urban governance: Multilevel study. PlosOne, 15(2): e0229095.
- Nowak S., Mrzygłód U., Mosionek-Schweda M. [i in.] (2020), What do we know about dividend smoothing in this millennium? Evidence from Asian Markets, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, nr online first, ss. 1-1.
- Bohdanowicz-Godfrey P., Zientara P., Bąk M. (2019), Towards an accessible hotel: a case study of Scandic, Current Issues in Tourism, vol. 22, nr 10, ss. 1133-1137.
- Nikodemska-Wołowik A.M., Marjański A., Brack A. (2019), Company values - a case study of the family enterprise August Storck KG, Journal of Intercultural Management, vol. 11, nr 1, 2019, ss. 5-22.
- Nikodemska-Wołowik A.M., Bednarz J. (2019), Family enterprises in the context of consumer ethnocentrism and relationship-building, Problemy Zarządzania, vol. 17, nr 1 (81), ss. 77-92.
- Nikodemska-Wołowik A.M., Bednarz J., Foreman J.R. (2019), Trends in young consumers' behaviour - implications for family enterprises, Economics & Sociology, 12 (3), 11-24.
- Zientara P., Zamojska A., Maciejewski G., Nikodemska-Wołowik A.M. (2019), Environmentalism and Polish coal mining: a multilevel study, Sustainability 11(11), 1-15.
Selected books
- Brack, A., Nikodemska-Wołowik, A. M., & Wach, D. (2024). How to bite it?: Germans, Poles, chocolate, and beyond. Logos Verlag Berlin.
- Orłowska R., Żołądkiewicz K., The New Face of the World Trade Organization, Gdańsk University Press, 2020.
- Zientara P., Bąk M., Zamojska A., Tourism and hospitality in Poland. An empirical study of selected issuses, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 2020 ISBN: 978-83-8206-159-8
- Mrzygłód U., Nowak S., Mosionek-Schweda M., Kwiatkowski J., Wygładzanie dywidend na wschodzących rynkach akcji, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego 2020, ISBN 978-83-7865-941-9
- Zientara P., International economic relations: selected theoretical issues and policy implications, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego 2019, ISBN 978-83-7865-850-4.
- Adamska-Mieruszewska J., Ryzyko długowieczności. Znaczenie dla stabilności systemów emerytalnych, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego 2019, ISBN 978-83-7865-943-3.
- Jażdżewska-Gutta M., Znaczenie bezpieczeństwa dla funkcjonowania międzynarodowych łańcuchów dostaw, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego 2019, ISBN 978-83-7865-936-5.
- Nikodemska-Wołowik A.M. (red.), Poles opinion on family business. The end of a business shark stereotype, FFR, Poznań, 2015.
Conferences and scientific events
- Yarmouk University 3rd International Week (20-22 marca 2023): 3rd International Week w Irbid w Jordanii w ramach programu Erasmus +; dr hab. Krystyna Żołądkiewicz, prof. UG, dr hab. Anna M. Nikodemska-Wołowik, prof. UG, dr Renata Orłowska i dr Urszula Mrzygłód, dr Katarzyna Osiecka-Brzeska
- Forum Green Region (2 marca 2023): Zielona transformacja sektora energetycznego i transportu w Polsce. Wyzwania dla jednostek samorządu terytorialnego, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu; dr Katarzyna Osiecka-Brzeska.
- International Risk Management Conference 2022 (IRMC), Bari, dr Dorota Skała (US), dr Urszula Mrzygłód (UG), mgr Joanna Rachuba (US), mgr Katarzyna Kwiatkowska (US) (artykuł: Give change a chance – bank profitability and board changes)
- International Conference for Crowdfunding Research w Oslo (grudzień 2022) - konferencja organizowana przez UiA School of Business and Law, The Research Council of Norway oraz NCF: dr Joanna Adamska-Mieruszewska i dr Urszula Mrzygłód (artykuł: Intention to support green crowdfunding project. Application of the theory of planned behaviour and the value-belief-norm theory).
- Yarmouk University 2nd International Week (9-14 maja 2022): 2nd International Week w Irbid w Jordanii w ramach programu Erasmus +; dr hab. Krystyna Żołądkiewicz, prof. UG, dr hab. Anna M. Nikodemska-Wołowik, prof. UG, dr Renata Orłowska i dr Magdalena Jażdżewska-Gutta
- Warsaw International Economic Meeting 2022 (WIEM), Warszawa, dr Dorota Skała (US), dr Urszula Mrzygłód (UG), mgr Joanna Rachuba (US), mgr Katarzyna Kwiatkowska (US) (artykuł: Give change a chance – bank profitability and board changes)
- 37th Europe-Asia Management Studies Association Conference "Europe-Asia Trade & Investments: Does distance matter?" (EAMSA 2021), październik 2021; dr Renata Orłowska (UG), dr hab. Krystyna Żołądkiewicz, prof. UG, dr Agnieszka Dorożyńska (Uniwersytet Łodzki (artykuł: Multiregionalism: failure or success of the World Trade Organization)
- 6th AIB - CEE Chapter Annual Conference, “International Business in the Dynamic Environment: Changes in Digitalization, Innovation and Entrepreneurship” 2019, Kaunas; dr Renata Orłowska (UG), dr hab. Krystyna Żołądkiewicz, prof. UG (artykuł: Imperfection of the WTO as a hazard for international business)
- 23rd McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference 2019, SDU, Odensee; dr hab. Anna Maria Nikodemska-Wołowik, prof. UG, dr hab. Anna Zamojska, prof. UG; dr hab. Piotr Zientara, prof. UG (artykuł: A family-business collective certification trademark as viewed by consumers: Evidence from Poland).
- International Family Enterprise Research Academy "Feeding the fire of entrepreneurship: theory and practice for the enterprising family" 2019, Bergamo; dr hab. Anna Maria Nikodemska-Wołowik, prof. UG, dr hab. Piotr Zientara, prof. UG (artykuł: Consumers' perception of family enterprises' sign)
Editorial boards in scientific journals
- The Coffee & Tea Marketing Journal, International journal, dr hab. Anna Maria Nikodemska Wołowik, prof. UG, editorial board member (since 2024),
- Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Taylor & Francis (IF: 9.47): dr hab. Piotr Zientara, prof. UG, editorial board
- Marketing i Rynek, Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne: dr hab. Anna Maria Nikodemska-Wołowik, prof. UG,editorial board
- Hummanities and Social Science Communications, Springer Nature, dr Joanna Adamska, editorial board
- Journal of Alternative Finance, SAGE, dr Urszula Mrzygłód, editorial board
- Journal of Alternative Finance, SAGE, dr Joanna Adamska-Mieruszewska, editorial board
Scientific awards
- dr hab. Piotr Zientara, prof. UG: The individual scientific award named after Professor Karol Taylor for academic teachers (2022)