About the Department

About Department

Department of Macroeconomics

The Department of Macroeconomics was established in the academic year 1996/97 as a teaching and research unit within the Faculty of Economics, evolving from the former Division of Macroeconomics and the Division of Socioeconomics. The first head of the Department was Professor Marian Turek, Ph.D., and since 2009, this position has been held by Professor Przemysław Kulawczuk, Ph.D.

Our Department comprises both research and teaching staff as well as teaching-only personnel. They conduct master's seminars, specialized lectures, mandatory courses in macroeconomics and research tools in economics, as well as classes in postgraduate and MBA programs.

The scientific and research activities carried out by the Department's staff include:

  • Contemporary macroeconomic problems and theories;
  • Economic transformation processes, economic and social policy;
  • Knowledge-based economy aspects, the significance of new technologies, e-learning, and innovation;
  • Public finance and local budgets;
  • Local and regional development, regional policy;
  • Baltic integration, sustainable development of Northern Poland, spatial planning around the Baltic Sea;
  • Support for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises;
  • Marketing research for the banking sector;
  • Economics of fuels and energy;
  • Development of the tourism sector.

The Department maintains close relationships with domestic and international academic institutions, governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, and the business community. Its staff provide consultancy and training services for companies, government agencies, and the Baltic University. They participate in European projects and conduct marketing research for international corporations.

Additionally, they prepare expert opinions and analyses for central and local administration needs. Members of the Department also serve as permanent consultants and advisors within the University and for businesses and public administration entities. They are active members of numerous scientific councils and associations, both domestically and internationally.

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Submitted on Sun, 11/24/2024 - 15:56 by Dominik Aziewicz Changed on Tue, 01/07/2025 - 19:57 by Dominik Aziewicz