Research fields

Research fields

The detailed scope of scientific research conducted by the employees of our Department can be put into the following scopes:

Enterprise theory covering the following scientific fields:

  • Process analysis and synthesis
  • System analysis and synthesis
  • Economic control of enterprises
  • Regulation of the activities of enterprises
  • Adaptation of enterprise activities
  • Optimization of enterprise activities
  • Strategies of enterprises

Management of enterprises in transportation covering the following scientific fields:

  • Economics and organization of transport enterprises
  • Operation of transport enterprises
  • Transport operators
  • Transport organizers
  • Road transport operators
  • Car / road transport companies
  • Forwarding companies

Business behavior covering the following scientific fields:

  • Organizational culture of enterprises
  • Economic stratification of enterprises
  • Vitality of enterprises
  • Organizational behavior of enterprises
  • Behavior of enterprises in the labor market

Economics of enterprises covering the following scientific fields:

  • Enterprise asset management efficiency
  • Fundamentals of enterprise economics
  • Economic accounting of the activities of enterprises
  • Cost accounting of enterprises' own costs
  • Accounts of sales revenues of enterprises
  • Accounts of financial results of enterprises
  • Typology of enterprises

Economic diagnosis of enterprises covering the following scientific fields:

  • Economic and financial analysis
  • Analytical research of enterprises
  • Financial research
  • Operational research
  • Labor research
  • Market research
  • Marketing research
  • Business evaluation of enterprises

Business operation covering the following scientific fields:

  • Behavioral aspects of enterprise functioning
  • Operation of public mass transport enterprises
  • The functioning of motor transport enterprises
  • Functioning of shipping enterprises
  • Functioning of intelligent business entities
  • Mechanisms of functioning of enterprises
  • Structuring and formalization of information in an enterprise
  • Decision-making systems
  • Information support systems in the enterprise
  • Applications of decision-making theory in the economy

 Business management covering the following scientific fields:

  • Enterprise finance
  • Economic monitoring of enterprises
  • Financial management
  • Capital management
  • Marketing management
  • Operations management
  • Labor management and motivation
  • Process management
  • Enterprise management
  • Strategic management
  • Systems management
  • Situational management


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Submitted on Wed, 01/31/2024 - 10:48 by Waldemar Kuczewski Changed on Thu, 09/12/2024 - 14:30 by Waldemar Kuczewski