Teaching Activity

Teaching Activity

The mission of the Department of Logistics is to educate professionals for the economy, focusing on effective and efficient management of entire supply chains as well as their individual components. The staff’s task is to concentrate on developing teaching skills to effectively transfer knowledge to students during mandatory and elective courses, including these based on academic tutoring. An added value to the classes is the high level of scientific and business experience of the staff, along with cooperation with the socio-economic environment. This enables direct student engagement with real-world logistics challenges faced by private and public organizations. Numerous meetings with business practitioners are organized both during and outside of classes (e.g., as part of the “Meetings with Logistics Practice” series), and teaching is conducted using world-class software (e.g., SAP S/4HANA, ARIS, and STATISTICA).

The Department’s staff within teaching process continuously responds to labor market requirements, including regular contact with numerous employers from Pomerania and other regions of Poland. They also collaborate with alumni, who often participate in meetings with students, eagerly sharing their knowledge, experiences, and insights regarding careers in logistics.

The Department of Logistics is responsible for developing curricula for the Logistics and Mobility programs as well as selected specializations and modules within the Economics program at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Students of these programs can expand their knowledge, skills, and social competencies through participation in the nationwide TopYoung100 development program and international study trips as part of the CEEPUS logistics-focused program.

Additionally, the Logistics Students Club is run under the Department’s supervision.

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Submitted on Tue, 12/03/2024 - 16:15 by Dariusz Weiland Changed on Wed, 01/08/2025 - 10:33 by Dariusz Weiland