About the Department

About the Department

The statutory scope of research and didactic activities of the Department of Logistics includes the following areas: identification, modeling, design, optimization and restructuring of enterprise logistics support systems within supply chains; examination of relational, integrative, and synergistic aspects of logistics support; the impact and development of methods and tools to enhance the efficiency of logistics systems; analysis of the logistics services market and formulation of competitiveness principles for logistics operators; assessment of the impact of logistics on other economic processes; design and management of information logistics systems and controlling systems (control tower); and shaping customer logistics service.

Main Scientific Achievements

The Department’s staff has participated in the implementation of the following European Union research projects: TEMPUS, PHARE, INTERREG II, NELOC, SONATA, NAWA, and CEEPUS. The valuable element of Department’s activity is the long-term collaboration with the Ministry of Infrastructure and previously with the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Economy, particularly in adapting transport enterprises operations and organizational structures to EU requirements, preparing road and rail transport for the full opening of the national transport market, and transforming transport enterprises to align with new economic roles and financial-economic conditions. Additionally, the Department's staff has conducted research, prepared expert opinions, and developed logistics support projects for companies and municipalities, including concepts for logistics management, controlling systems, and managerial accounting systems.

Connection with Organizations

Collaboration with different types of organisations includes activities supporting enterprises of various sizes and sectors in the development of logistics support as well as market, financial, and organizational restructuring.

International Partners

The Department's staff collaborates with numerous foreign academic centers, institutions, and organizations, including the University of Tomas Bata, the University of Žilina, and the University of Ljubljana.

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Submitted on Wed, 10/09/2024 - 11:53 by Dariusz Weiland Changed on Wed, 01/08/2025 - 10:17 by Dariusz Weiland