At the Faculty of Economics
Quality of Education at the Faculty of Economics

Quality of Education at the Faculty of Economics
The Quality Assurance System at the Faculty of Economics, University of Gdańsk
The quality assurance system at the Faculty of Economics (FE) is built upon the extensive experience of the academic staff, who strive to achieve the highest quality of teaching, aligned with high standards of scientific research. This system is also based on Senate Resolution No. 76/09 of the University of Gdańsk, dated November 26, 2009, regarding the introduction of an internal quality assurance system.
In 2014, the Faculty of Economics developed the Education Quality Manual, which outlines the entities and procedures related to ensuring high educational standards. This document was approved by the Faculty Council on January 16, 2014. On February 20, 2020, the Dean's Council gave a positive opinion on the 2019/2020 update of the Education Quality Manual.
To ensure high-quality education, the process is systematically monitored and analysed. The key activities include:
- Regular analysis of study programs conducted by Program Councils for Study Fields and Faculty Team for Quality Assurance in Education;
- Analysis of student assessment methods and principles, in line with the Polish Qualifications Framework and intended learning outcomes;
- Classroom observations of teaching activities;
- Conducting online surveys to gather feedback on teaching (including student and staff opinions);
- Collecting employer feedback on graduates' qualifications, for example, through regular meetings with business practitioners;
- Evaluating the effectiveness of e-learning support for teaching activities;
- Checking theses using the Unified Anti-Plagiarism System.
Self-Assessment for the Academic Year 2010/2011 –
Self-Assessment for the Academic Year 2011/2012 –
Self-Assessment for the Academic Year 2012/2013 –
Self-Assessment for the Academic Year 2013/2014 –
Self-Assessment for the Academic Year 2014/2015 –
Self-Assessment for the Academic Year 2015/2016 –
Self-Assessment for the Academic Year 2016/2017 –
Self-Assessment for the Academic Year 2017/2018 –
Self-Assessment for the Academic Year 2018/2019 –
Self-Assessment for the Academic Year 2019/2020 –
Self-Assessment for the Academic Year 2020/2021 –
Self-Assessment for the Academic Year 2021/2022 –