Tutoring at the Faculty of Economics
What is tutoring?
Tutoring is a personalized form of education based on the "master-student" relationship, present in the finest universities worldwide and rapidly developing in Poland. It originated from the British educational tradition and was initiated at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge.
It has long been known that effective learning is built on relationships. Tutoring is one of the best ways to base the developmental and educational process on a deep relationship between the teacher and the student. It is a method of individual care for the student, drawing from the master-student relationship tradition, which, through an integrated approach to human development and modern tools, seeks to facilitate the full realization of student’s potential. Mutual meetings underscore the importance of dialogue in the learning process and the significance of individual contacts for the student's development. They allow for asking questions and critical reflection on what others write and say. This leads to the acquisition of the competence to perceive what is hidden beneath the surface of obviousness.
This method involves regular meetings with the student (tutee), aiming at their academic or personal development. Tutoring, as a method of personalized and holistic education, is more than just the transfer of knowledge. It also involves reflection on values, character education, fostering independent thinking, argumentation, and making wise decisions. Tutorials at the University of Gdańsk are conducted in both Polish and English. The meeting schedule for tutoring is individually arranged between the tutor and the tutee.
A tutor (from Latin - guardian) is someone who can guide the development of the student, accurately recognize their potential, assist in discovering and nurturing talents, jointly set the path of development, motivate for long-term collaboration, and find mutual joy in it. A tutor provides what mass education systems usually cannot: attentiveness to a specific student and the opportunity to discuss a given problem while searching for solutions. The strength of tutoring lies in its didactic effectiveness and the long-lasting effects it produces.
Starting from the winter semester of the academic year 2024/25, students of programs at the Faculty of Economics will have the opportunity to participate in tutoring in two modes. The first mode is the facultative class: 'Economics in Academic Tutoring', which was available to full-time students in previous semesters. Students applying for this mode, after completing the course, receive a notation in their index confirming their participation in this facultative seminar (PDW) with ECTS points. In the second mode, known as 'Rector's Tutoring,' turoring sessions are a series of additional classes. Students receive a notation in the diploma supplement upon completing the course.
Regardless of the chosen mode, tutoring sessions offer a unique dose of knowledge tailored to student’s scientific interests and individual substantive support from a tutor of their choice.