Open Economic Lectures
On 5.11.2024 an Open Economic Lecture "Social welfare, or whose?" will be led by Dr Małgorzata Zielenkiewicz from the Department of Microeconomics at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk
Prosperity is often a buzzword in the media - politicians promise to deliver it, citizens want it. But what is prosperity? Can economic growth alone deliver it? Do two countries with the same average GDP per capita have the same level of prosperity, even if in one part, the majority of people have all their physical needs well met, the other part of the population is starving in the streets, and another part is living in luxury? In this lecture, we will touch on defining and measuring social well-being, different equity views, and inequality and social exclusion.
The 9th edition of Open Economic Lectures is taking place in the academic year 2024/2025.
Lectures in the online format in MS Teams are scheduled on selected Tuesdays from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Open Economic Lectures cover various aspects of economics, finance, and entrepreneurship!
Enrolment and registration:
For whom:
The lectures can be attended by people of all ages, younger and older, pupils, teachers, students, graduates, and people working in different sectors.
For students and teachers: it is a valuable aid to the issues that arise within the framework of ‘Entrepreneurship Basics’ and the teaching of economic and business subjects.
For students: some issues discuss economic problems that occur in subject competitions.
For students: an aid to understanding the issues discussed in course lectures and to supplement knowledge studied in other disciplines.
For everyone: an explanation of current economic phenomena taking place in the world around us.
The Open Economic Lectures have become a source of inspiration in the search for a career path based on sound knowledge of the surrounding world and the socio-economic system we live in.
Website of the Open Economic Lectures:
Open Economic Lectures | Wydział Ekonomiczny Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
Facebook Otwarte Wykłady Ekonomiczne
Link to the meeting:
For information on how to participate in the Open Economic Lectures, please also contact us by email: