Open Economic Lectures 11.03.2025
"Financing in projects. How to plan a project so that we have enough money for everything?", the meeting with dr Grzegorz Pawłowski
Freedom or equality? Uncertainty or security? Reason or emotion? What dilemmas do economists face? Government imperfections and market failures - how to overcome them? The market and demand-side schools of economics provide different answers to these questions. During the lecture, it is possible to trace how interventionism is analysed on a macroeconomic scale and how state involvement affects business activity.
Dr Grzegorz Pawłowski will present these issues and will be happy to answer questions from the audience during an online meeting entitled ‘The role of the state in the economy, i.e. the economists’ dispute over interventionism and protectionism', which will take place on 11.03.2025.
The meeting will be moderated by Dr Anna Blajer-Gołębiewska, Prof. UG
The lecture is part of the Open Economic Lectures series at the University of Gdańsk. This is the 10th edition of these exceptional, cyclical meetings with economics, which take place on selected Tuesdays at 5.30 pm.
Dr Grzegorz Pawłowski is an assistant professor in the Department of Economic Policy at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk. He teaches, among others, economic and social policy, strategic analysis and business activity in the international environment. A scholarship holder of the Foundation for Polish Science. He held scientific internships at: Agder College, Kristiansand Norway (1991), University of Verona (1994) and University of Edinbourgh (1995). He is the author of numerous publications on economic policy and current socio-economic issues.
We invite you to an online meeting (MS Teams) on Tuesday, 11.03.2025 at 5:30 p.m.
Open Economic Lectures, to which we cordially invite you, always deal with interesting and various aspects of economics and finance, business and management! Science is interesting!
Meeting link: Open Economic Lectures 11.03.2025
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