Specialization modules on second-degree part-time studies in the field of International Economic Relations

Specialization modules on second-degree part-time studies in the field of International Economic Relations

Od roku akademickiego 2022/2023 na studiach niestacjonarnych (II stopień) wprowadzone zostają tzw. moduły specjalnościowe.

In 2023, specialisation modules were introduced in part-time studies (2nd cycle).

Starting from the first semester of studies, the Student studies a general subject, a group of basic subjects and a group of major subjects. On the other hand, in the second semester, the student chooses a specialisation module every semester, which consists of several subjects related to a selected area of international economic relations.

The modular program's specificity is that it allows you to choose between different thematic areas in subsequent semesters of studies. Thanks to this, the student, guided by their own interests and ambitions, independently creates their own education path.

The modules in each semester are different, starting with delving into specific areas of international economic practice, examining the effectiveness of financial processes taking place on foreign markets, and ending with tools that improve these processes. Independent shaping of the development path allows the student to obtain comprehensive knowledge necessary for work in international enterprises or to run a business internationally on their account.

The arrangements of specialisation modules in the particular semesters:

II semester:
Module A1: International Business Expansion (IBE / MEP)
Module A2: Projects in International Business (PIB / PBM)

III semester:
Module B1: Strategies in International Business (SIB / SBM)
Module B2: Sea Transport in International Business (STIB / TMBM)

IV semester:
Module C1: Challenges in International Business (CIB / WBM)
Module C2: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR / SOB)


Each semester, the Student chooses one of the two modules offered. The launch of the specialisation module depends on the preferences indicated by part-time students in the field of international economic relations.

The module will not start if the required number of students do not sign up (as required by Resolution No. 71/19 of the Senate of the University of Gdańsk on May 23, 2019).


Moduły specjalnościowe



Description of specialisation modules:

II semester:

Module A1: International Business Expansion (IBE/MEP)

Expansion into foreign markets is currently the basis for implementing the development strategy of almost every enterprise. It requires the people managing the enterprise to have knowledge and skills not only in the scope of the functioning of the enterprise on the international market but also in understanding the processes taking place in their environment and the threats related to them.

The International Business Expansion module is the first of the modules within a coherent modular path, aimed at educating future managers in enterprises operating on the international market and coming entrepreneurs who want to develop their companies globally. It is intended for students who, in the future, want to perform both the functions of managers at all levels and those who fulfil themselves as team leaders.

The advantage of the International Business Expansion module is that the theoretical content is analysed based on examples from business practice. The classes are workshop-type and conducted by people with experience in international business.


The module includes four courses:

Expansion of Enterprises to Foreign Markets aims to provide structured and in-depth knowledge on the motives, forms and risks of foreign expansion of enterprises. Case study analysis will indicate effective expansion strategies and critical challenges in the process of internationalisation of the enterprise;

Financial Management in International Company, within which the Student will gain in-depth knowledge on the financial management of a modern enterprise in a domestic and international environment, will learn about the conditions, principles and consequences of economic decisions made in its structures aimed at development;

International Project Management, the aim of which is to acquire knowledge on the conditions of conducting projects, including the principles of planning, risk analysis and monitoring the progress of a project implemented in an international environment;

Foreign Industry Markets, within which the specificity of selected industry markets and the specific conditions for conducting business activity for them are analysed.


Module A2: Projects in International Business (PIB / PBM)

As part of the Projects in International Business module, the Student will gain knowledge and practical skills in project implementation. The project method is currently used in small and large businesses and public administration. Therefore, knowledge of project implementation principles is crucial, both when running your own business and working in business and public administration.

As part of the Projects in International Business module, the Student will be provided with knowledge and skills that allow you to independently create and implement a successful business project and work in various roles in project teams. During classes conducted as part of the module, students will learn: − methods and techniques of project management; - theory and practice of implementing business projects; - specifics of implementing projects financed from EU sources; - principles of project financing and budgeting; - IT tools supporting project implementation.

The module emphasises students acquiring knowledge and practical skills in preparing and implementing projects. Classes will be primarily workshop-based.


III semester:

Module B1: Strategies in International Business (SIB / SBM)

Strategies in International Business is the second module in a coherent modular path aimed at educating future managers in companies operating on the international market and coming entrepreneurs who want to develop their companies globally.

As part of the Strategies in International Business module, students will learn about issues related to shaping a competitive and winning offer on foreign markets and effective trade expansion, including building international trade structures and sales management. They will also have the opportunity to improve their  negotiation skills. The knowledge is complemented by issues related to the entire transaction cycle in international trade.

The Strategies in International Business module mainly focuses on practical aspects of effective expansion into foreign markets. Numerous exercises and conversation classes allow the acquisition of the necessary theoretical knowledge and, above all, the development of skills for practical application.

Module B2: Sea Transport in International Business (STIB / TMBM)

The offer of studies within the Sea Transport in International Business module addresses students who want to link their professional career with international business, particularly with companies participating in international trade or (including transport or logistics) servicing this exchange.

Currently, over 80% of the volume of world trade is maritime trade, which means that the vast majority of goods that are the subject of international trade are transported by sea. Modern companies participating in foreign trade and companies operating in the rapidly developing logistics services sector (called the TSL sector in Poland, i.e. transport companies, including port, forwarding, and logistics companies) need specialists who know the specifics of maritime trade.

Transactions concerning the implementation of cargo transport processes using the sea route require specialist knowledge not only in the field of commercial and transport documentation, maritime law, the functioning of shipping and port services markets and land-sea transport chains, but also the challenges related to climate change, stimulating the implementation of innovations in maritime transport aimed at reducing the emission of harmful substances into the natural environment, and implementing the concept of sustainable development.

As part of the module, students acquire knowledge, skills and competencies in International Maritime Trade, International Maritime Law and Law of the Sea, Shipping and Port Policy, International Shipping and Port Markets and Sustainable Sea Transport. They will become familiar with the essence and importance of maritime trade, and in particular with the formal and legal conditions for its development and the role of sea transport in servicing international trade; they acquire knowledge about maritime law and international law of the sea (learning about the institutions of maritime law), contracts for the carriage of cargo by sea, as well as naval accidents; learn about methods and tools for shaping the conditions of maritime commercial shipping and the operation of seaports, enabling the achievement of goals consistent with the interests of maritime states and international organisations that are entities of shipping and port policy. Students learn how global markets for shipping and port services function and develop, as well as the levels of competition in these markets and the competitiveness factors of their participants.

Students also become familiar with the most critical challenges related to the operation and development of sea transport, especially in the context of climate change and the need to implement the concept of sustainable development. They acquire skills in identifying the causes, regularities and consequences of introducing changes in the operation of shipowners and port companies to reduce their harmful emissions into the natural environment. They learn to recognise the need to implement eco-innovations in sea transport and take action for sustainable development.


IV semester:

Module C1: Challenges in International Business (CIB / WBM)

Today's scale of change and the unpredictability of its directions require managers to have knowledge and skills in the functioning of international organisations. This requires managers to meet the various challenges that globalisation brings, especially the need for intensive development of "soft" skills in multiple aspects of an enterprise's functioning on international markets.

The issues covered in the Challenges in International Business module correspond perfectly with those covered in the International Business Expansion and Strategies in International Business modules.

The module aims to indicate the most critical challenges faced by international business, especially from the point of view of shaping employee relations and ways of solving existing problems. This module is intended for students who want to act as both a manager at all levels and a team leader in an enterprise in the future. It also allows you to consider building career paths and acting as a coach or consultant in international business. For those willing, an individual personality characteristic is also possible, which allows you to determine individual predispositions to act as a manager in global business.

The arrangement of subjects and their content constitute a coherent whole. Theoretical considerations are illustrated with specific examples from practice—short information showing interesting, valuable, or controversial cases concerning the issues under consideration. The emphasis is on students gaining practical skills that will allow them to solve various challenges effectively; hence, the classes will be primarily workshop-based.

The Challenges in International Business module, through its practical form and combination of practitioners' experiences from various fields, provides comprehensive knowledge and effectively develops skills used in any organisation that cares not only about survival but also about achieving the best possible results.


Four subjects are taught as part of this module.


The Human Resource Management on Global Market subject allows you to deepen your knowledge of the main problems and challenges facing personnel managers in intercultural enterprises. Issues of intercultural communication and intelligence, as well as the development path of ex-pats, are especially prominent in this subject.

The Inclusive Enterprise subject draws attention to a new management model, the pillars of which are diversity and inclusiveness. Diversity is a reality, and inclusiveness is a choice that creates the opportunity to find oneself in this diversity. By supporting an inclusive approach, the company, on the one hand, accepts and respects differences in all areas of staff diversity, including gender, age, nationality, sexual orientation, origin or marital status, and on the other hand, allows employees to find their ways to achieve success in this diversity. The way we behave, and the methods used.

The Crisis Management in Enterprise subject allows you to deepen your knowledge of crisis management strategies, which in a globalised economy often leads to the bankruptcy of many enterprises. Any sudden change in the organisation or its environment can be a huge challenge for managers. Developing a model for effective crisis management so that it causes the least material and psychological losses for the organisation is one of the challenges modern managers must face.

The subject Change Management in International Management focuses on introducing changes in the enterprise necessary for its effective functioning in a constantly changing environment. The ability to effectively introduce changes in the organisation is an integral part of international business and an essential competence of future leaders.

Module C2: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR / SOB)

Achieving sustainable socio-economic development is the most crucial challenge facing modern economies. On the one hand, the transition to a low-emission economy, sustainable production and consumption, or social inclusion are necessary to protect the environment and ensure decent living conditions for future generations. On the other hand, these conditions pose complex tasks for economic entities and require the definition of new business strategies that are consistent with the latest development paradigm while allowing for the creation of value for owners and stakeholders.

The Corporate Social Responsibility module was created in response to the needs of economic entities, economic environment institutions and all those who want to learn about the importance of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. The subjects proposed in this module allow you to look at the issue of sustainable development from several perspectives: enterprise, employee, consumer, small entrepreneur, or any person involved in society.

Theory and Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility is a subject during which the fundamental concepts of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development, methods of measuring a company's impact on the environment, and socio-psychological theories explaining CSR, also in the area of human resources management, will be discussed.

Consumer Awareness is a subject during which attention will be focused on key concepts and trends in individual buyers' behavior in relation to sustainable consumption, ethical conflicts, and consumer responsibility. Methods of persuasion and manipulation during the purchasing process and issues of consumer protection will also be presented during the classes.

The main goal of the Crowdfunding subject is to show the possibilities of a form of community-financed project financing that can be successfully used to finance both commercial and social initiatives. During the classes, a practical perspective will be adopted. Students will work on real projects, analyse their success factors using statistical methods, and learn how to create an effective campaign.

The aim of the Business Data Analysis in Socially Responsible Enterprise subject is to increase students' data analysis skills, which will allow them to independently solve analytical problems in enterprises, especially those preparing to introduce CSR reporting. Classes are held using companies' CSR reports and based on real data.

The subject is Sustainable Development Strategies—Case Studies, which is based entirely on case studies. During it, students will learn how corporate social responsibility principles are recognised and implemented in enterprise strategies. Case analysis will allow for a better understanding of the implementation mechanisms and methods of incorporating the 3Ps (people, planet, profit).

Benefits of this module are gaining knowledge in the area of sustainable development and social responsibility, the lack of which is a current problem in many institutions; increasing the ability to analyse, visualise and interpret data that is supportive in solving complex business problems; gaining the ability to critically evaluate actions taken by enterprises and other entities in the field of sustainable development and social responsibility; gaining the ability to distinguish apparent actions from those that have a real impact on achieving sustainable goals.


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Submitted on Wed, 08/16/2023 - 11:23 by Waldemar Kuczewski Changed on Thu, 01/30/2025 - 10:07 by Waldemar Kuczewski