Open days
Open days
Report from the Open Day at the University of Gdańsk Campus in Sopot, 19.03.2024
We are very happy to thank all Students and Lecturers for their extraordinary commitment to organizing the Faculty of Economics Open Day in March 2024.
We would like to thank the numerous students of the Faculty of Economics for sharing their knowledge!
We encourage our Candidates – and future Students to get acquainted with the offer of courses and specializations at the Faculty of Economics and the most important information regarding the recruitment process:
Admissions | Wydział Ekonomiczny Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
The Open Day on April 4, 2023, was a great opportunity to see with your own eyes what academic life at the University of Gdansk is like. Visitors could visit the faculty, talk to students, watch lectures, and listen to presentations.
Two faculties, the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdansk and the Faculty of Management of the University of Gdansk, jointly organised the Open Day at the UG Campus in Sopot.
All this was possible thanks to the fantastic cooperation of students and lecturers.
Our students are the best showcase of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdansk.
Thank you very much for your great commitment!
Everything was happening at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk: meetings with Vice-Deans Dr Magdalena Markiewicz (whose watchful eye made everything happen so smoothly) and Dr Tomasz Gutowski (who you will see again at the beginning of the academic year). There were mini-lectures given by Dr Adam Borodo, "Contemporary social media - business, people, money", and Dr Aleksandra Borowicz "Scarecrows on the lachs, or why you don't have to be afraid of the euro".
Films, numerous economic quizzes and economic board games, which were taken care of by Dr Aleksandra Aziewicz, Dr Magdalena Jażdżewska-Gutta, Dr Ewa Ignaciuk, Dr Sylwia Machowska-Okrój, Dr Monika Grottel, Dr Marek Reysowski, presentation of courses and specialisations with Dr Leszek Reszka, Dr Renata Orłowska, Dr Grzegorz Szczodrowski and Dr Tomasz Michałowski.
The visit to our excellent London Stock Exchange Eikon laboratory with Dr Monika Szmelter was prevalent, as was the student poster exhibition “Alternative Investments” prepared by the students of the International Finance and Banking specialisation, competitions with prizes in the new Flex relaxation zone, and finally, an online lecture from the series Open Economic Lectures with Dr Tomasz Nowosielski.
It happened because the Faculty of Economics at the University of Gdańsk is a great atmosphere and cooperation, learning and studying in connection with trends in the labour market, i.e. our slogans: staff, potential, business!
We want to thank everyone involved in the organisation for their commitment and our Candidates for coming with your questions and smiles.
See you at #WEUG during recruitment and at studies in October!
And the next Open Days are next year!

Informacje archiwalne na temat Dni Otwartych Wydziału Ekonomicznego UG:
Dzień Otwarty na Wydziale Ekonomicznym 04.04.2023 r.
Wydział Ekonomiczny Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
Wydział Ekonomiczny na Dniach Otwartych UG 15.03.2023 r.
Wydział Ekonomiczny Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
Morskie specjalności na Targach Edukacyjnych EDU Offshore Wind 15.03.2023 r.
Wydział Ekonomiczny Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
Dni Otwarte na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim 21-22.04.2022 r.
Wydział Ekonomiczny Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
Wszystko, co chciałbyś wiedzieć o studiowaniu na Wydziale Ekonomicznym UG i jeszcze więcej – Dni Otwarte online i wirtualne wycieczki po wydziale 26.04.2021 i 25.05.2021 r.
Wydział Ekonomiczny Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
Rekrutacyjny live 08.07.2020 r.
Wydział Ekonomiczny Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
Dni Otwarte „Wydział Ekonomiczny – Twoje Drzwi do Sukcesu” 25.06.2020 r.
Wydział Ekonomiczny Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
Dni Otwarte Wydziału Ekonomicznego „Economic Hyde Park” 19-20.03.2019 r.
Wydział Ekonomiczny Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
Dni Otwarte „Dwadzieścia specjalności Wydziału Ekonomicznego” 19-20.03.2018 r.
Wydział Ekonomiczny Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
Dni Otwarte „Dwadzieścia specjalności Wydziału Ekonomicznego” 20-21.03.2017 r.
- 2024-09-13
Open Days at the Faculty of Economics UG on-line
Zapraszamy kandydatów na studia na kolejne wirtualne spotkanie „O studiowaniu” i mini-wykłady w stylu oksfordzkim 25.05.2021 r. o godz. 16.00 Wydział Ekonomiczny – Dni OtwarteWE DO 2021!Zapraszamy…