A public defense of the doctoral dissertation
The Chairman and the Economics and Finance Science Council of the University of Gdańsk kindly inform that on February 11, 2025 at 2:00 p.m. there will be a public defense of the doctoral dissertation in the discipline of economics and finance - via teleconference via MS Teams.
on: " Decision-Making under Constraints: A Behavioral Economics Perspective on Cyber-Related Heuristics and Biases”
Supervisor: dr hab. Monika Bąk
Reviewers: dr hab. Halina Brdulak
dr hab. Jarosław Korpysa
dr hab. Bartosz Scheuer
Persons interested in taking part in the public defense of their doctoral dissertation are asked to send an e-mail to ewa.krukurka@ug.edu.pl until February 10, 2025.
The doctoral dissertation is available at the Economic Library of the University of Gdańsk in Sopot, Armii Krajowej 110 Street.
The doctoral dissertation, reviews and summary of the dissertation were published on the website of the University of Gdańsk, in the Public Information Bulletin: https://bip.ug.edu.pl/o_uniwersytecie_gdanskim/dzialalnosc_naukowa/postepowania_naukowe/przewody_doktorskie