Open Economic Lectures

28.01.2025 lecture “From Chaos to Success. Project Management in Practice” will be led by dr hab. Joanna Kuczewska, prof. UG


The lecture will introduce participants to the secrets of project management in an accessible way, showing how to effectively carry out a project from the planning phase to implementation.

Key management methodologies and tips on avoiding the most common mistakes that can lead to project failure will be discussed. The lecture will be interspersed with examples from everyday life and business, showing how project management affects the success of various projects. Ideal for both beginners and those who want to expand their knowledge.

The above issues will be presented, and listeners' questions will be answered by prof. Joanna Kuczewska during the open lecture in online form "From Chaos to Success. Project Management in Practice", which will take place on 28.01.2025.


The lecture is part of the Open Economic Lectures series at the University of Gdańsk. This is the 9th edition of these exceptional, cyclical meetings with economics, which take place on selected Tuesdays.


Dr hab. Joanna Kuczewska, prof. UG specializes in issues covering the economic aspects of enterprise management in the conditions of European integration, the use of benchmarking, the effects of cooperation in clusters, project management, the economics of European integration, and international management. Member of the team of many scientific and research projects, member of the Polish European Community Studies Association (PECSA) and the Polish Economic Society (PTE). Author of evaluation reports of projects financed from EU funds. Collaborator and member of project teams at the Gdańsk Foundation for Management Education and the WSB University in Gdańsk. Expert of the Future Industry Platform Foundation.


We invite you to an online meeting (MS Teams) on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 5:30 p.m.

 Link to the meeting:


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Open Economic Lectures


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Submitted on Fri, 01/10/2025 - 15:57 by Waldemar Kuczewski Changed on Wed, 01/22/2025 - 10:06 by Waldemar Kuczewski