Ważniejsze publikacje afiliowane przy Wydziale Ekonomicznym (2009 - 2024)
L.p. | Imię Nazwisko autora/autorów |
Tytuł publikacji | Tytuł czasopisma/rok wydania/nr | Impact Factor |
2025 rok | ||||
1. | Gawin B., Winiarski J., Marcinkowski B | Pro-environmental action plan for managers of distributed service facilities | Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2025 |
IF 2023: |
2. | Poier S., Nikodemska -Wołowik A.M., Suchanek M. | Should I buy or should I go? The effect of the Big Five Personality traits and satisfaction with life on e-bike ownership in Germany | Transport Policy, 2025 |
IF 2023: |
3. | Stalmokaitė I., Tafon R. Saunders F., Gee K., Gilek, M., Armoškaitė A., Ikauniece A. Matczak M., Turski J., Zaucha J. | Exploring social justice in marine spatial planning: planner and stakeholder perspectives and experiences in the Baltic Sea Region | Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2025 |
IF 2023: |
4. | Zaucha J., Gee K., Ramieri E., Neimane L. , Alloncle N., Blažauskas N., Helena Calado H., Cervera-Nú?ez C., Marohnić Kuzmanović V., Stancheva M., Witkowska J., Eskeland Schütz S., Ronco Zapatero J., Ehler Ch.N. | Implementing the EU MSP directive: current status and lessons learned in 22 EU Member States | Marine Policy, 2025 |
IF 2023: |
5. | Zientara P., Adamska J., Bąk M. | Shaping tomorrow's managers: the influence of university education on economics students' attitudes toward corporate social responsibility and labor unions | Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2025 |
IF 2023: |
2024 rok | ||||
1. | Adekola P.O., Cirella G., Brownell G. | Reintegration programs and the willingness of displaced persons to return home: analyzing the role ofsocial infrastructure in North?East Nigeria | Journal of International Migration and Integration, 2024 | IF 2023: 1.3 5 years IF 2023: 1.6 |
2. | Babula E., Mrzygłód U. | Making choices in repetitive risky situations with immediate feedback | Economics & Sociology, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
3. | Bednarz J., Markiewicz M., Szmelter-Jarosz A. | Digital payments during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland: an initial insight on the consumer perception of security and convenience | Argumenta Oeconomica, 2024 | IF 2022: 0.5 5 years IF 2022: 0.6 |
4. | Bąk M., Borkowski P., Suchanek M. | Effect of beliefs and attitudes on public transport users’ choices. The moderating role of perceived intermodal connectivity | Transport Policy, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
5. | Bielenia M., Marušić E., Dumanska I. | Rethinking the green strategies and environmental performance of ports for the global energy transition | Energies, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
6. | Bieliński T., Tomasz Czuba T., Dopierała Ł., Tarkowski M. | Electric bike sharing: price sensitivity and pricing preferences | Research in Transportation Business and Management, 2024 | IF 2023: 4.1 5 years IF 2023: 4.2 |
7. | Bizon W. Poszewiecki A. | Grammatical mood and assessment of support policy effectiveness | Ekonomia i Prawo. Economics and Law, 2024 | IF 2022: 0.3 5 years IF 2022: 0.3 |
8. | Blajer-Gołębiewska A., Nowak S. | Investor sentiment response to COVID-19 outbreak-related news: a sectoral analysis of US firms | North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2024 | IF 2022: 3.6 5 years IF 2022: 3.4 |
9. | Blaszke M., Nowak M.J., Ciołek D., Oleńczuk-Paszel A., Śpiewak-Szyjka M., Dziedzic-Bukowska J., Tokarzewska-Żarna Z., Sergio Pena Medina | The role of the courts in resolving conflicts over property expropriation: the case of Poland | disP, 2024 | IF 2023: 0.7 5 years IF 2023: 1.1 |
10. | Brodzicki, T. |
Global knowledge-intensive business services trade flows. The revealed competitive position of Europe and Central and Estearn Europe |
Quaestiones Geographicae, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
11. | Charłampowicz J., Mańkowski C. | Relationships between managerial concepts in inland transport companies: a fuzzy-DEMATEL approach | Transport Problems, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
12. | Charłampowicz J., Mańkowski C., Saikouk T. | Strategic integration of environmental sustainability in inland logistics: a multi-criteria decision-making approach | Business Strategy and the Environment, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
13. | Chmiel B., Żukowska S., Połom M. | Development of public transport in rural areas in Poland: the example of the Slupsk district | Transport Problems, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
14. | Ciołek D., Zaucha J. | How important is the blue economy for regional development? - the case of Poland | Marine Policy, 2024 | IF 2023: 3.5 5 years IF 2023: 3.9 |
15. | Cirella G. | Human geographies in action: insights into migration, development, culture, and sustainability | Sustainability, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
16. | Cofre N., Mosionek-Schweda M. | A simulated electronic market with speculative behaviour and bubble formation | Finance Research Letters, 2024 | IF 2023: 7.4 5 years IF 2023: 7.6 |
17. | Croes R., Shapoval V., Rivera M., Bąk M., Zientara P. | Promoting residents’ happiness through a human-centric approach to tourism city development | International Journal of Tourism Cities, 2024 | IF 2023: 3.0 5 years IF 2023: 3.3 |
18. | Czermański E., Natasza Kotowska I., Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek A., Plucinski M., Szaruga E. | Factors influencing the adoption of circular economy practices in Polish seaports: an analysis of determinants and challenges | Frontiers in Marine Science, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
19. | Czermański E., Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek A.. | MSP for port areas - To what extent should we interfere with governance of ports’ waters? Case study of Polish seaports | Marine Policy, 2024 | IF 2022: 3.8 5 years IF 2022: 4.1 |
20. | Czermański E., Zaucha J., Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek A., Pardus J., Kiersztyn A., Czerwiński D. | Valuation of marine areas for merchant shipping: an attempt at shipping spatial rent valuation based on Polish Marine Areas | Frontiers in Marine Science, 2024 | IF 2022: 3.7 5 years IF 2022: 4.7 |
21. | Jaworski J., Czerwonka L | Determinants and speed of adjustment of financial liquidity: evidence from Central and Eastern Europe | Argumenta Oeconomica, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
22. | Gemeda B.S., Cirella G., Birhanu G. Abebe B.G., Gemeda F.T. | Exploring land acquisition and restructuring policy in Addis Ababa | Cities, 2024 | IF 2023: 6.0 5 years IF 2023: 6.8 |
23. | Hinrichs K., Sobol I. | The impact of sustainability considerations on investment intentions - the case of generation Y | Sustainability, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
24. | Jaworski J., Czerwonka L. | Profitability and working capital management: a meta?study in macroeconomic and institutional conditions | Decision : Official Journal of Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, 2024 | IF 2023: 1.5 5 years IF 2023: 1.4 |
25. | Letkiewicz A., Krupska J., Wentk A. | Electromobility in local administration offices of provincial cities in Poland - status at the end of 2022 | Economics and Environment, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
26. | Letkiewicz A., Majecka B., Ławreszuk M. | The changes in the approach to the realization of "Green Deal" goals of Polish large and medium-sized road carriers as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic | Ekonomia i Środowisko, 2024 | IF 2023: 1.0 5 years IF 2023: 0.5 |
27. | Markiewicz M., Leśniak R., Sokołowska K. | Does money matter, and for whom: the importance of financial motivational factors among employees of banks in Poland | Ekonomia i Prawo. Economics and Law, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
28. | Matusiewicz M. | Physical internet - where are we at? A systematic literature review | Acta Logistica, 2024 | IF 2023: 0.8 |
29. | Michalak D., Kwidziński Z., Pędzik M., Bednarz J., Sankiewicz Ł,, Knitowski B., Drewczyński M., Rogoziński T. | The impact of door leaf parameters on the efficiency of the automated technological line | The impact of door leaf parameters on the efficiency of the automated technological line |
IF 2023: |
30. | Mogiła Z., Ciołek D., Toroj A., Zaucha J. | How important is the blue economy for regional development? - the case of Poland | Marine Policy, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
31. | Mushafiq M., Prusak B., Markiewicz M. | Corporate social responsibility and forward default risk under firm and industry heterogeneity | Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 2024 | IF 2022: 3.8 5 years IF 2022: 2.6 |
32. | Nazarczuk J.M., Umiński S., Márquez-Ramos L. | Exporting activity in rural regions: does it differ from urban regions? Evidence from Poland | Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2024 | IF 2023: 4.8 5 years IF 2023: 4.0 |
33. | Nozari H., Ghahremani-Nahr J., Szmelter-Jarosz A. | AI and machine learning for real-world problems | Książka: Kim Shiho, Deka Ganesh Chandra (red.): Artificial Intelligence and machine learning for open-world novelty, Advances In Computers, nr 134, 202 | IF 2021: 3.067 5 years IF 2021: 2.706 |
34. | Nozari H., Abdi H., Szmelter-Jarosz A., Hesamoddin Motevalli S. | Design of dual-channel supply chain network based on the internet of things under uncertainty | Mathematical and Computational Applications, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
35. | Olah S., Bałandynowicz-Panfil K., Štebe J., Šoštarič Zvonar M., Slavec A., Kaszás A., Pék G, Łosiewicz M., Iwanowska M. | The religious and mental health determinants of the covid-19’s fear in the CEE countries | European Journal of Science and Theology, 2024 | IF 2022: 0.5 5 years IF 2022: 0.4 |
36. | Pangsy-Kania S., Biegańska J., Flouros F., Sokół A. | Heating and cooling degree-days vs climate change in years 1979-2021. Evidence from the European Union and Norway | Ekonomia i Środowisko, 2024 | IF 2022: 0.4 5 years IF 2022: 0.3 |
37. | Pangsy-Kania S., Kania K. | Key dimensions in smart cities' rankings - towards enhancing the quality of life for smart cities’ inhabitants | Ekonomia i Prawo. Economics and Law, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
38. | Pangsy-Kania S., BiegańskaJ., Flouros F. | Alternative fuels as a sustainable innovationin vehicle fleet across the EU–27: diagnosis and prospects for development |
Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
39. | Poier S., Nikodemska-Wołowik A.M. | Germany under the tinfoil hat? The associations of the big five personality traits and coronavirus conspiracy beliefs with the intention to get vaccinated | Journal of Infection and Public Health, 2024 | IF 2023: 4.7 5 years IF 2023: 4.4 |
40. | Poier S., Suchanek M. | The efects of higher order human values and conspiracy beliefs on COVID 19 related behavior in Germany | Zeitschrift für Gesundheitswissenschaften, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
41. | Przybyłowski A., Kaszuba A., Suchanek M. | Smart and sustainable urban mobility - public and shared transport users’ behavior in Gdynia city: a case study | Transport Problems, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
42. | Rolbiecki R., Matusiewicz M. | Periodic fluctuations of transport as a determinant of inland waterway shipping competitiveness | Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering-Asce, 2024 | IF 2022: 2.2 5 years IF 2022: 2.2 |
43. | Rościszewski-Dodgson M., Cirella G. | Environmental drivers affecting the status of top commercial fish stocks in the Baltic Sea: review | Frontiers in Marine Science, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
44. | Rudnik A., Zientara P., Adamska-Mieruszewska J. | The effects of hyperbaric treatment on perianal fistula activity in patients with Crohn's disease | Przegląd Gastroenterologiczny, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
45. | Russo A., Cirella G. | Urban ecosystem services in a rapidly urbanizing world: scaling up nature’s benefits from single trees to thriving urban forests | Land, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
46. | Skica T., Rodzinka J., Golejewska A., Suchanek M. | Do LGUs' non-financial support instruments matter to new firm formation? | Ekonomia i Prawo. Economics and Law, 2024 | IF 2023: 0.3 5 years IF 2023: 0.3 |
47. | Slavec A., Iwanowska M., Bałandynowicz-Panfil K., Olah S., Šoštarič Zvonar M., Štebe J., Łosiewicz M | Determinants of COVID-19 vaccination intention in Central and Eastern Europe: a cross-sectional study in Poland, Romania, and Slovenia | Archives of Public Health, 2024 | IF 2022: 3.3 5 years IF 2022: 3.4 |
48. | Smoliński P., Januszewicz J., Pawłowska B., Winiarski J. | Nuclear energy acceptance in Poland: from societal attitudes to effective policy strategies - network modeling approach | PLoS ONE, 2024 | IF 2023: 2.9 5 years IF 2023: 3.3 |
49. | Tafon R., Saunders F., Zaucha J., Matczak M., Stalmokaitẻ I., Gilek M., Turski J. | Blue justice through and beyond equity and participation: a critical reading of capability-based recognitional justice in Poland’s marine spatial planning | Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2024 | IF 2023: 4.4 5 years IF 2023: 3.9 |
50. | Tłoczyński D., Czerepko J., Mirocki A. | How do sustainable aviation fuels shape the conditions for aviation growth? | Economics and Environment, 2024 | IF 2023: 1.0 5 years IF 2023: 0.5 |
51. | Zabłocka-Abi Yaghi A., Tomaszewski T. | The interdependence of R&D, innovations, and productivity: case of Polish manufacturing companies | Ekonomia i Prawo. Economics and Law, 2024 | IF 2022: 0.3 5 years IF 2022: 0.3 |
52. | Zhang M., Zhongyi Z., Chen J., Cirella G., Xie Y. | Understanding and mitigating the purchase intention of medicines containing saiga antelope horn among Chinese residents: an analysis of influencing factors | Diversity, 2024 | IF 2022: 2.4 5 years IF 2022: 2.5 |
53. | Zientara P., Adamska-Mieruszewska J., Bąk M. | Development and validation of the employer anti-unionism scale based on data from US workers | British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
54. | Zientara P., Adamska-Mieruszewska J., Bąk M. | Understanding employee reactions to union-busting in the US hospitality industry: an analysis based on union attitudes and cognitive frames | International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2024 | IF 2022: 11.7 5 years IF 2022: 11.5 |
55. | Zientara P., Adamska-Mieruszewska J., Bąk M. | Advancing understanding of unionization in the hospitality industry: the role of attitudes toward unions and social justice | Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2024 | IF 2022: 9.0 5 years IF 2022: 9.0 |
56. | Zientara P., Jażdżewska-Gutta J., Bąk M., Zamojska A. | Examining the use of public transportation by tourists in ten European capitals through the lens of hierarchical leisure constraints theory | Journal of Travel Research | IF 2022: 8.9 5 years IF 2022: 10.0 |
57. | Zientara P., Adamska-Mieruszewska J. | Exploring youth preferences for collective action: a comparison of a grassroots initiative with a union-led one | Relations Industrielles-Industrial Relations, 2024 | IF 2023: 0.4 5 years IF 2023: 0.4 |
58. | Zientara P., Adamska-Mieruszewska J., Bąk M. | Factors affecting hospitality workers’ intention to leave the industry during the coronavirus pandemic. Evidence from the UK | Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism, 2024 | IF 2023: 2.6 5 years IF 2023: 2.9 |
59. | Zientara P., Jażdżewska-Gutta M., Bąk M., Zamojska A. | What drives tourists' sustainable mobility at city destinations? Insights from ten European capital cities | Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2024 | IF 2023: 8.9 5 years IF 2023: 8.3 |
60. | Zientara P., Adamska J., Bąk M. | What do tourism and hospitality companies convey about labor union relations in their CSR reports? A conceptual model and empirical findings | Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2024 |
IF 2023: |
2023 rok | ||||
1. | Ansong J.O., Ritchie H., Gee K., McElduff L., Zaucha J. | Pathways towards integrated cross-border marine spatial planning (MSP): insights from Germany, Poland and the island of Ireland | European Planning Studies, 2023, s.1-24 | IF 2021: 3.777 5 years IF 2021: 3.937 |
2. | Bednarz J., Schuster C., Rost M. | Impact of industry 4.0 technology on international posting of workers | SAGE Open, 2023, t.13, nr 1, s. 1-16 | IF 2021: 2.032 5 years IF 2021: 2,100 |
3. | Bathaee M., Nozari H., Szmelter-Jarosz A. | Designing a new location-allocation and routing model with simultaneous pick-up and delivery in a closed-loop supply chain network under uncertainty | Logistics-Basel, 2023, t.7, nr 1, s.1- 33 | IF 2022: 3.8 5 years IF 2022: 3.9 |
4. | Bencsik A., Pangsy-Kania S. | Sustainable leadership practices based on the logic of the honeybee pyramid - comparison of Hungarian and Polish SMEs | Sustainability, 2023, t.15, nr 17, s. 1-27 | IF 2022: 3.889 5 years IF 2022: 4.089 |
5. | Bielenia M., Podolska A. | Carbon footprint generated by individual port websites. The missing idea in the concept of green ports | Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2023, t.11, s.1-11 | IF 2022: 4.6 5 years IF 2022: 5.3 |
6. | Bielenia M., Dubisz D., Czermański E. | Methodological introduction to the carbon footprint evaluation of intermodal transport | Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2023, t.11, s.1-12 | IF 2022: 4.6 5 years IF 2022: 5.3 |
7. | Chmiel B., Pawłowska B., Szmelter-Jarosz A. | Mobility-as-a-service as a catalyst for urban transport integration in conditions of uncertainty | Energies, 2023, t.16, nr 4, s.1-24 | IF 2021: 3.252 5 years IF 2021: 3.333 |
8. | Czechowski O., Romanowska A., Czermański E, Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek A., Wanagos M. | An attempt to determine the relationship between air pollution and the real estate market in 2010–2020 in Gdańsk using GLM and GRM statistical models | Sustainability, 2023, t.15, nr 3, s. 1-22 | IF 2021: 3.889 5 years IF 2021: 4.089 |
9. | Dashtbozorgi F., Hedayatiaghmashhadi A., Dashtbozorgi A., Ruiz-Agudelo C.A., Fürst C., Cirella G., Naderi M. | Ecosystem services valuation using InVEST modeling: case from southern Iranian mangrove forests | Regional Studies in Marine Science, 2023, t.60, s. 1-14 | IF 2021: 2.166 5 years IF 2021: 2.240 |
10. | Dvorský J., Joanna Bednarz J., Blajer-Gołębiewska A. | The impact of corporate reputation and social media engagement on the sustainability of SMEs: perceptions of top managers and the owners | Equilibrium,2023, t.18, nr 3, s. 778-811 | IF 2022: 5.7 5 years IF 2022: 3.0 |
11 | Dvorský J. Olah J., Bednarz J., Hudakova M. | Opinions of owners and managers on the business risks of SMES sustainability: does gender matter? | Journal of Business Economics and Management, 2023, t.24, nr 4, s. 732-753 | IF 2022: 2.6 5 years IF 2022: 2.9 |
12. | Fernández Raga M., Aleksić D., Kapucugil Ikiz A., Markiewicz M., Streit H. | Development of a comprehensive process for introducing game-based learning in higher education for lecturers | Sustainability, 2023, t. 15, nr 4, s. 1-18 | IF 2021: 3.889 5 years IF 2021: 4.089 |
13. | Ilczuk D., Dopierała Ł., Bednarz J. | What are the real motivations and experiences of silver entrepreneurs? Empirical evidence from Poland | Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation, 2023, t.19, nr 3, s. 129-167 | IF 2022: 1.8 5 years IF 2022: 1.6 |
14. | Jagiełło A., Wołek M., Bizon W. | Comparison of tender criteria for electric and diesel buses in Poland - has the ongoing revolution in urban transport been overlooked? | Energies, 2023, t.16, nr 11, s.1-17 | IF 2021: 3.252 5 years IF 2021: 3.333 |
15. | Jażdżewska-Gutta M., Szmelter-Jarosz A., Borkowski P. | Micromobility in tourist single- and multimodal travels at destination | Research in Transportation Business and Management | IF 2021: 4.286 5 years IF 2021: 4.463 |
16. | Kuczewska J., Garbin Praničević D., Borowicz A., Talaja A. | The digital transformation process in the small and medium enterprise (SME) sector in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic: a study in Poland and Croatia | Management-Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, 2023, t. 28, nr 2, s. 27-41 | IF 2022: 0.7 5 years IF 2022: 0.8 |
17. | Kwiatkowski J., Zaucha J | Measuring the blue economy in the EU: the Polish experience | Frontiers in Marine Science, 2023, t.10, s.1-16 | IF 2021: 3.7 5 years IF 2021: 4.7 |
18. | Letkiewicz A., Ławreszuk M., Majecka B. | The Green Deal - activity and expectations of Polish large and medium-sized road freight carriers in relation to potential regulatory solutions | Research in Transportation Business and Management, t.48, s.1-10 | IF 2021: 4.286 5 years IF 2021: 4.463 |
19. | Lewandowski R.A., Goncharuk A.G., Cirella G. | Assessing trust with injected health information in Poland’s healthcare system: lay people versus healthcare workers | Journal of Trust Research, 2023, t.13, nr 1, s. 67-86. | IF 2022: 1.4 5 years IF 2022: 3.1. |
20. | Lewandowski R.A., Cirella G. | Performance management systems: trade-off between implementation and strategy development | Operations Management Research, 2023, t.6, nr 1, s. 280-295 | IF 2021: 7.032 5 years IF 2021: 7.203 |
21. | Mańkowska M., Tłoczyński D., Wach-Kloskowska M., Bulczak G. | Factors determining the implementation of green practices in airport management. The case study of Polish airports | Journal of Air Transport Management | IF 2021: 5.428 5 years IF 2021: 4.799 |
22. | Matusiewicz M., Możdżeń M., Paprocki W. | Physical Internet in passenger air transport to decrease emissions - a concept | Sustainable Materials and Technologies, 2023, t.36, s. 1-19 | IF 2021: 10.681 5 years IF 2021: 11.349 |
23. | Matusiewicz M., Książkiewicz D. | Shared logistics - literature review | Applied Sciences-Basel, 2023, t. 13, nr 4, s. 1-120 | IF 2021: 2.838 5 years IF 2021: 2.921 |
24. | Matuszewska-Pierzynka A., Urszula Mrzygłód U., Pieloch-Babiarz A. | ESG performance and dividend stability of the world’s largest enterprises | Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation, 2023, t.19, nr 4, s. 184-217 | IF 2022: 1.8 5 years IF 2022: 1.6 |
25. | Medeiros E., Zaucha J., Ciołek D. | Measuring territorial cohesion trends in Europe: a correlation with EU Cohesion Policy | European Planning Studies, t. 31, nr 9, s. 1868-1884 | IF 2022: 2.8 5 years IF 2022: 3.5 |
26. | Mushafiq M., Prusak B., Markiewicz M. | Corporate social responsibility and forward default risk mediated by financial performance and goodwill | Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, t.428, s.1-16 | IF 2022: 11.1 5 years IF 2022: 11.0 |
27. | Nozari M., Javid Ghahremani-Nahr J., Szmelter-Jarosz A. | AI and machine learning for real-world problems | Advances In Computers, 2023 | IF 2021: 3.067 5 years IF 2021: 2.706 |
28. | Pangsy-Kania S., Golejewska A., Wierzbicka K., Mosionek-Schweda M. | Searching for dependencies between business strategies and innovation outputs in manufacturing: an analysis based on CIS | Sustainability, 2023, t.15, nr 9, s. 1-13 | IF 2021: 3.889 5 years IF 2021: 4.089 |
29. | Pangsy-Kania S., Romanowska A., Budzyński M., Wierzbicka K., Prystrom J. | Analysis of road accident causes in the voivodships in the years 2014-2021 in the aspect of socio-economic costs – towards the implementation of sustainable development | Ekonomia i Środowisko, 2023, t. 85, nr 2, s. 308-327 | IF 2022: 0.4 5 years IF 2022: 0.3 |
30. | Próchniak J., Płoska R., Zamojska A., Lepczyński B., Cirella G. | Maturity analysis of stock exchanges in Africa: prepandemic sustainability perspective | Sustainability, 2023, t.15, nr 8, s.1-18 | IF 2021: 3.889 5 years IF 2021: 4.089 |
31. | Russo A., Cirella G. | Urban ecosystem services: advancements in urban green development | Land, 2023, t. 12, nr 3. s. 1-4 | IF 2021: 3.915 5 years IF 2021: 4.048 |
32. | Rześny-Cieplińska J., Tomaszewski T., Piecyk-Ouellet M., Kiba-Janiak M. | Emerging trends for urban freight transport - the potential for sustainable micromobility | PLoS ONE, 2023, t.18, nr 9, s.1-20 | IF 2022: 3.7 5 years IF 2022: 3.8 |
33. | Smoliński P., Szóstakowski M., Winiarski J. | E-learning software: comparing the use behavior among academicians and schoolteachers | Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 2023, t.21, nr 2, s.98-109 | IF 2022: 2.2 5 years IF 2022: 2.8 |
34. | Sobol I., Dopierała Ł., Wysiński P. | Is the profitability of Islamic and conventional banks driven by the same factors? - A study of banking in the Middle East | PLoS ONE, 2023, t.18, nr 8, s. 1-32 | IF 2022: 3.7 5 years IF 2022: 3.8 |
35. | Sokół A., Pangsy-Kania S., Biegańska J. | Do cultural industries have an impact on sustainable development in EU countries? | Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, t.428, s.1-12 | IF 2022: 11.1 5 years IF 2022: 11.0 |
36. | Śledzik K., Płoska R., Chmielewski M., Barembruch A., Szmelter-Jarosz A., Kędzierska-Szczepaniak A., Antonowicz P. | Multivariate pharma technology transfer analysis: civilization diseases and COVID-19 perspective | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023, t. 20, nr 3, s. 1-17 | IF 2021: 4.614 5 years IF 2021: 4.798 |
37. | Suchanek M., Szmelter-Jarosz A. | Car enthusiasm during the second and fourth waves of COVID-19 pandemic | Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 2023, t.10, s. 1-11 | IF 2022: 3.5 5 years IF 2022: 3.5 |
38. |
Szmelter-Jarosz A., Chmiel B., Śledzik K. | Most successful business models in logistics innovations – the review of crowd logistics solutions | LogForum, 2023, t.19, nr 3, s. 317-330 | IF 2022: 1.8 5 years IF 2022: 1.5 |
39. |
Szmelter-Jarosz A., Chmiel B., Nozari H. | The mobility choices in Poland: is there a chance to transition from owned cars to a shared ones? | European Journal of Transformation Studies, 2023, t. 11, nr 1, s.206 - 228 | IF 2022: 0.1 5 years IF 2022: 0.1 |
40. | Szymanowska B., Kozłowski A., Dąbrowski J., Klimek H. | Seaport innovation trends: global insights | Marine Policy, 2023, t.152, s.1-10 | IF 2021: 4.315 5 years IF 2021: 4.735 |
41. | Tafon R., Saunders F., Zaucha J., Matczak M., Stalmokaitė I., Gilek M., Turski J. | Blue justice through and beyond equity and participation: a critical reading of capability-based recognitional justice in Poland’s marine spatial planning | Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2023, s. 1-23 | IF 2021: 4.614 5 years IF 2021: 4.798 |
42. | Ukhurebor K.E, Ngonso B.F., Egielewa P.E., Cirella G., Akinsehinde B.O., Balogune V.A. | Petroleum spills and the communicative response from petroleum agencies and companies: impact assessment from the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria | Extractive Industries and Society, 2023, t.15, s. 1 - 13 | IF 2022: 3.1 5 years IF 2022: 3.3 |
43. | Umiński S., Nazarczuk J.M., Borowicz A. | The role of foreign-owned entities in building economic resilience in times of crisis: the case of European digital and technologically-intensive firms during the Covid-19 pandemic | Equilibrium, 2023, t.18, nr 3 | IF 2022: 5.7 5 years IF 2022: 3.0 |
44. | Zabłocka-Abi Yaghi A., Tomaszewski T. | Measuring the impact of R&D&I subsidies on innovative inputs and outputs in Polish manufacturing firms | Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2023, s.1-32 | IF 2021: 1.815 5 years IF 2021: 2.235 |
45. | Zientara P., Adamska-Mieruszewska J., Bąk M. | Unpicking the mechanism underlying hospitality workers' intention to join a union and intention to quit a job. Evidence from the UK | International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2023, t. 108, s. 1-12 | IF 2021: 10.427 5 years IF 2021: 11.129 |
46. | Żukowska S., Chmiel B., Połom M. | The smart village concept and transport exclusion of rural areas: a case study of a village in Northern Poland | Land, 2023, t.12, nr. 1, s. 1-23 | IF 2021: 3.905 5 years IF 2021: 4.048 |
2022 rok | ||||
1. | Adekola P.O., Ugwu F.C.,. Amoo E. O, Olawole-Isaac A., Cirella G. | COVID-19, mobility restriction, and sexual behavior among a cohort of people of reproductive age: Nigeria | Frontiers in Public Health, 2022, nr 10, s.1-12 | IF 2021: 6.461 5 years IF 2021: 6.002 |
2. | Adekola P.O., Azuh D.E., Emmanuel O. Amoo E.O., Brownell G., Cirella G. | Economic drivers of voluntary return among conflict-induced internally displaced persons in Nigeria | Sustainability, 2022, t.14, nr 4, s. 1-15 | IF 2020: 3.251 5 years IF: 3.473 |
3. | Aghmashhadi A.H., Samaneh Zahedi S., Kazemi A., Fürst Ch., Cirella G. | Conflict analysis of physical industrial land development policy using game theory and graph model for conflict resolution in Markazi province | Land,2022, t.11, nr 4, s.1-11 | IF 2020: 3.398 5 years IF: 3.235 |
4. | Ambroziak A.A., Stefaniak J. | The position of China in trade in services within the European Union | Oeconomia Copernicana, 2022, t.13, nr 2, s. 335-354 | IF 2021: 6,574 5 years IF: 3,315 |
5. | Baltas I., Dopierała Ł., Kolodziejczyk K., Szczepański M., Weber G.W., Yannacopoulos A.N. | Optimal management of defined contribution pension funds under the effect of inflation, mortality and uncertainty | European Journal of Operational Research, 2022, t.298, nr 3, s. 1162-1174 |
IF 2020: |
6. | Ciołek D., Golejewska A, Zabłocka-Abi Yaghi A. | Innovation drivers in regions. Does urbanization matter? | Growth and Change, 2022, s.1-28 |
IF 2020: |
7. | Czechowski P.O., Piksa K., Dąbrowiecki P., Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek A., Czermański E., Owczarek T., Badyda A.J., Cirella G. | Financing costs and Helach effects of air pollution in the Tri-City agglomeration | Frontiers in Public Health, 2022, t.10, s.1-10 |
IF 2020: |
8. | Czermański E., Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek A., Spangenberg E.F., Kozłowski Ł., Adamowicz M., Jankiewicz J., Cirella G. | Implementation of the Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index: an important but costly step towards ocean protection | Marine Policy, 2022, t.45, s.1-11 |
IF 2020: |
9. | Dopierała Ł., Mosionek-Schweda M., Laskowicz T., Ilczuk D. | Financial performance of renewable energy producers: a panel data analysis from the Baltic Sea Region | Energy Reports, 2022, t.8, s. 11492-11503 |
IF 2021: |
10. | Fu Y., Yang X., Wang T., Supriyadi A., Cirella G. | Spatial pattern characteristics of the financial service industry: evidence from Nanjing, China | Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 2022, t.15, nr 2. |
IF 2021: |
11. | Galik A., Bąk M., Bałandynowicz-Panfil K., Cirella G. | Evaluating labour market flexibility using the TOPSIS method: sustainable industrial relations | Sustainability, 2022, t.14, nr 1, s.1-21 |
IF 2020: |
12. | Hedayati Aghmashhadi A., Azizi A., Hoseinkhani M., Zahedi S., Cirella G. | Aquaculture site selection of Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout) in Markazi province using GIS-based MCDM | ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2022, t.11, nr 3, s.11-18 |
IF 2020: |
13. | Hedayati Aghmashhadi A., Azizi A., Zahedi S., Hoseinkhani M., Cirella G. | Land suitability mapping using GIS-based ANP for residential zoning: case research from central Iran | Transactions in GIS, 2022, t.26, nr 2, s. 1017-1039 |
14. | Jaworski J., Czerwonka L. | Which determinants matter for working capital management in energy Industry? The case of European Union economy | Energies 2022, vol. 15, nr 9, s.1-18 | IF 2020: 3.004 5 years IF: 3.085 |
15. | Jaworski J., Czerwonka L. | Profitability and working capital management: evidence from the Warsaw Stock Exchange | Journal of Business Economics and Management, 21022, t.23, nr 1, s.180-198 |
IF 2020: |
16. | Jażdżewska-Gutta M., Borkowski P. | As strong as the weakest link. Transport and supply chain security | Transport Reviews, 2022, s.1-22 |
IF 2021: |
17. | Letkiewicz A., Ławreszuk M., Majecka B. | The Green Deal - activity and expectations of Polish large and medium-sized road freight carriers in relation to potential regulatory solutions | Research in Transportation Business and Management, s.1-10, 2022 |
IF 2021: |
18. | Lewandowski R.A, Cirella G. | Performance management systems: trade-off between implementation and strategy development | Operations Management Research, 2022, online first, s.1-16 |
IF 2020: |
19. | Matusiewicz M. | Modeling stakeholders openness to sustainable logistics measures using a data analysis approach | Processes,2022, t.10, nr 6, s.1-12 |
IF 2020: |
20. | Medeiros ., Zaucha J., Ciołek D. | Measuring territorial cohesion trends in Europe: a correlation with EU Cohesion Policy | European Planning Studies, s. 1-17, 2022 |
IF 2020: |
21. | Mejia C., Bąk M., Zientara P., Orlowski M. | Importance-performance analysis of socially sustainable practices in U.S. restaurants: a consumer perspective in the quasi-post-pandemic context | International Journal of Hospitality Management, ISSN 0278-4319, e-ISSN 1873-4693, 2022, t.103, s. 1-10 |
IF 2020: |
22. | Mustafayev F., Kulawczuk P., Orobello Ch. | Renewable energy status in Azerbaijan: solar and wind potentials for future development | Energies, ISSN 1996-1073, 2022, nr 2, t. 15, s. 1-24. |
IF 2020: |
23. | Nozari H., Szmelter-Jarosz A., Ghahremani-Nahr J. | Analysis of the challenges of Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) for the smart supply chain (case study: FMCG industries) | Sensors, t.22, s.1-18 |
IF 2020: |
24. | Poier S., Nikodemska-Wołowik A-M., Suchanek M. | How higher-order personal values affect the purchase of electricity storage - evidence from the German photovoltaic market | Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 2022. S.1-18 |
IF 2020: |
25. | Poszewiecki A., Czerepko J. | New trends in consumption in Poland as shown by the example of a freeshop concept | Sustainability, t. 14, nr 22, s. 1-16 |
IF 2021: |
26. | Shneor R., Mrzygłód U., Adamska-Mieruszewska J., Fornalska-Skurczyńska A. | The role of social trust in reward crowdfunding campaigns’ design and success | Electronic Markets, t.32, nr 3, s.1103-1118, 2022 |
IF 2021: |
27. | Stancheva M., Hristo Stanchev, Zaucha J., Ramieri E., Roberts T. | Supporting multi-use of the sea with maritime spatial planning. The case of a multi-use opportunity development - Bulgaria, Black Sea | Marine Policy, ISSN 0308-597X, e-ISSN 1872-9460, 2022, t.136, s.1-11 | IF 2020: 4.173 5 years IF: 4.072 |
28. | Szymańska A., Zielenkiewicz M. | Declining labour income share and personal income inequality in advanced countries | Sustainability, 2022, t.14, nr 15, s.1-14 | IF 2020: 3.251 5 years IF: 3.473 |
29. | Tłoczyński D., Szmelter-Jarosz A., Susmarski S. | Analysis of sustainable transport systems in service of selected SEA-EU consortium countries' airports - a pilot case study of passenger choices for Gdańsk Airport | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, t.19, nr. 2, s. 1-21 | IF 2020: 3.390 5 years IF: 3.789 |
30. | Wang S., Cai Z., Hu Y., Cirella G., Xie Y. | Chinese resident preferences for African elephant conservation: choice experiment | Diversity, 2022, t.14, nr 5, s.1-18 | IF 2020: 2.465 |
31. | Yang T., Druică E., Zhang Z., Hu Y., Cirella G., Xie Y. | Predictors of the behavioral Intention to participate in Saiga antelope conservation among Chinese young residents | Diversity, 2022, t.14, nr 5, s.1-18 | IF 2020: 2.465 |
32. | Zaucha J., Stephen Jay S. | The extension of marine spatial planning to the management of the world ocean, especially areas beyond national jurisdiction | Marine Policy, 2022, t.144, s.1-10 | IF 2020: 4.173 5 years IF: 4.072 |
33. | Zhang Z., Yang T., Hu Y., Cirella G., Xie Y. | Behavioral intention to resist the consumption of wild animals in China: netizen survey | Diversity, 2022, t.14, nr 5, s.1-17 | IF 2020: 2.465 |
2021 rok | ||||
1. | Adamska-Mieruszewska J., Mrzygłód U., Suchanek M., Fornalska-Skurczyńska A. | Keep it simple. The impact of language on crowdfunding success | Economics & Sociology, ISSN 2071-789X, e-ISSN 2306-3459, 2021, t.14, nr 1, s.130-144 |
IF 2020: |
2. | Adekola P., Iyalomhe F.O., Paczoski A., Abebe S.T., Pawłowska B., Bąk M., Cirella G. | Public perception and awareness of waste management from Benin City | Scientific Reports, ISSN 2045-2322, 2021, nr 11, s. 1-14. | IF 2019-2020: 3.998 |
3. | Bałandynowicz-Panfil K. | Jak przekonać niezdecydowanych - komunikacja z osobami starszymi a postawy wobec szczepień przeciw COVID-19 | Media - Biznes - Kultura. Dziennikarstwo i komunikacja spoleczna, ISSN 2451-1986, e-ISSN 2544-2554, 2021, nr 1 (10), s. 159-172. | |
4. | Bartosik-Purgat M., Bednarz J. | The usage of new media tools in prosumer activities - a corporate perspective | Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, ISSN 0953-7325, e-ISSN 1465-3990, 2021, nr – online first, s.1-12. | IF 2019: 1.867 5 years IF: 2.105 |
5. | Blajer-Gołębiewska A. | Individual corporate reputation and perception of collective corporate reputation regarding stock market investments | PLoS ONE, ISSN 1932-6203, 2021, t.16, nr 9, s. 1-21. | IF 2020: 3.240 5 years IF: 3,226 |
6. | Borkowski P., Jażdżewska-Gutta M. , Szmelter-Jarosz A. | Lockdowned: Everyday mobility changes in response to COVID-19 | Journal of Transport Geography Volume 90, 102906, 2021, t.90, s. 1-13 |
IF: 3.834 5 years IF: 4.969 |
7. | Borowicz A., Umiński S. | Will multinational enterprises contribute to Poland's economic resilience and recovery during and post COVID-19 pandemic | Transnational Corporations Review, ISSN 1918-6444, e-ISSN 1925-2099, 2021. | |
8. | Borowicz A. | Does the new industrial strategy for Europe follow the path of the concept of Industry 4.0? | Studia Europejskie, ISSN 1428-149X, 2021, t.25, nr 1, s. 85-102. | |
9. | Brycz M., Brycz H. | Does employment determine self-awareness of biases? Sociodemographic aspects of metacognitive self before and during COVID-19 | Journal of International Studies, ISSN 2071-8330, e-ISSN 2306-3483, 2021, t.14, nr 3, s. 263-273. | |
10. | Brzezicki Ł., Pietrzak P., Cieciora M. | Efficiency of the education system (primary, secondary and tertiary) in particular voivodships of Poland | Economy of Region, ISSN 2072-6414, e-ISSN 2411-1406, 2021, | |
11. | Brzezicki Ł. | Ocena podstawowych zadań publicznych uczelni akademickich w Polsce | Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, ISSN 0081-6841, e-ISSN 2450-8179, 2021, t.118, s.1-17. | |
12. | Ciborowski R., Oziewicz E., Pangsy-Kania S. | The Belt and Road Initiative - shared development or a threat for the world economy? | European Research Studies Journal, ISSN 1108-2976, 2021, t.24, nr 1 | |
13. | Ciołek D., Golejewska A., Zabłocka-Abi Yaghi A. | Regional innovation systems in Poland: how to classify them? | Economy of Region, ISSN 2072-6414, e-ISSN 2411-1406, 2021, t.17, nr 3, s. 987-1003 | |
14. | Croes R. , Ridderstaat J. , Bąk M., Zientara P. | Tourism specialization, economic growth, human development and transition economies: the case of Poland | Tourism Management, ISSN 0261-5177, e-ISSN 1879-3193, 2021, t.82, s.1-8 | IF: 7.432 5 years IF: 9.238 |
15. | Czermański E., Cirella G,Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek A., Pawłowska B., Notteboom T. | An energy consumption approach to estimate air emission reductions in container shipping | Energies, ISSN 1996-1073, 2021, t.14, s. 1-18. | IF: 2.707 |
16. | Czerwonka L., Jaworski J. | Capital structure determinants of small and medium-sized enterprises: evidence from Central and Eastern Europe | Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, ISSN 1462-6004, e-ISSN 1758-7840 , 2021, s.1-21 | |
17. | Dopierała Ł., Mosionek-Schweda M. | Pension fund management, investment performance, and herding in the context of regulatory changes: new evidence from the Polish pension system | Risks, ISSN 2227-9091,2021, t.9, nr 1, s.1-19. | |
18. | Jaworski J., Czerwonka L. | Determinants of enterprises’ capital structure in energy industry: evidence from European Union | Energies, ISSN 1996-1073, 2021, t.14, nr 7, s. 1-19. | IF 2020: 3.004 5 years IF: 3.085 |
19. | Jaworski J., Czerwonka L. | Meta-study on the relationship between profitability and liquidity of enterprises in macroeconomic and institutional environment | Decision : Official Journal of Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, ISSN 0304-0941, e-ISSN 2197-1722, | |
20. | Kaliszewski A., Kozłowski A, Dąbrowski J., Klimek H. | LinkedIn survey reveals competitiveness factors of container terminals: forwarders’ view | Transport Policy, ISSN 0967-070X, e-ISSN 1879-310X, 2021, t.106, s.131-140 | IF 2020: 4.674 5 years IF: 5.239 |
21. | Kołatka M. | Zmiana poziomu efektywności amerykańskiego rynku akcji – od kryzysu finansowego 2007-2009 do pandemii COVID-19 | Optimum. Studia Ekonomiczne, ISSN 1506-7637, 2021, nr 3, s.33-47. | |
22. | Kozłowski A., Kaliszewski A., Dąbrowski J., Klimek H. | Virtual network sampling method using LinkedIn | MethodsX, ISSN 2215-0161, e-ISSN 2215-0161, 2021, t.8, s.1-5 | |
23. | Kwidziński Z., Bednarz J., Pędzik M., Sankiewicz Ł., Szarowski P., Knitowski B., Rogoziński T. | Innovative line for door production TechnoPORTA - technological and economic aspects of application of wood-based materials | Applied Sciences-Basel, ISSN 2076-3417, 2021, t.11, nr 10, s.1-20. | IF 2020: 2.679 5 years IF: 2.736 |
24. | Kwidzyński Z. , Bednarz J., Sankiewicz Ł., Pędzik P., Rogoziński T. | TechnoPORTA intelligent, customized technological line for the automated production of technical doors - selected technical and economic indicators | Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW Forestry and Wood Technology, ISSN 1898-5912, 2021, t.114, s.96-100. | |
25. | Mańkowski C., Charłampowicz J. | Managing maritime container ports' sustainability: a reference model | Sustainability, ISSN 2071-1050, 2021, t. 13, nr 18, s. 1-15. | IF 2020: 3.251 5 years: 3.473 |
26. | Michalska-Szajer A., Klimek H., Dąbrowski J. | A comparative analysis of CSR disclosure of Polish and selected foreign seaports | Case Studies on Transport Policy, ISSN 2213-624X, e-ISSN 2213-6258, 2021, t.9, nr 3, s. 1112-1121. | |
27. | Mogila Z., Ciołek D., Kwiatkowski J., Zaucha J. | The Baltic blue growth - country-level shift-share analysis | Marine Policy, ISSN 0308-597X, e-ISSN 1872-9460, 2021,t.134, s.1-10 | IF 2020: 4.173 5 years IF 4.072 |
28. | Mrzygłód U., Nowak S., Mosionek-Schweda M., Kwiatkowski J. | What drives the dividend decisions in BRICS countries? | Oeconomia Copernicana, ISSN 2083-1277, e-ISSN 2353-1827 , 2021, t.12, nr 3, s.593-629 | IF 2020: 4.274 5 years IF: 2.357 |
29. | Nikodemska-Wołowik A.M., Zientara P., Zamojska A. | A family-enterprise collective certification trademark: consumer insight | Journal of Family Business Management, ISSN 2043-6238, e-ISSN 2043-6246, 2021, online first, s.1-15. | |
30. | Nikodemska-Wołowik A.M. , Wach D., Andruszkiewicz K., Otukoya A. | Conscious shopping of middle-class consumers during the pandemic: Exploratory study in Mexico, Nigeria, Poland, and Sri Lanka | International Journal of Management and Economics, ISSN 2299-9701 | |
31. | Nowak S., Mrzygłód U., Mosionek-Schweda M., Kwiatkowski J. | What do we know about dividend smoothing in this millennium? Evidence from Asian Markets | Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, ISSN 1540-496X, e-ISSN 1558-0938, 2021, nr online first, s.1 – 30. | IF: 1,214 5 years IF: 1.156 |
32. | Pangsy-Kania S. | Od „Made in China” do „Created in China” - droga Chin do supremacji innowacyjnej | Gdańskie Studia Azji Wschodniej, ISSN 2084-2902, e-ISSN 2353-8724, 2021, nr 19, s. 97-115 | |
33. | Pietrzak J. | Perception of sources of private wealth. A qualitative study of perceptive schemes of Western and Eastern Bloc students | International Journal of Management and Economics, ISSN 2299-9701, 2021, t.57, nr 1, s.1-13. | |
34. | Poier S. | Towards a psychology of solar energy: Analyzing the effects of the Big Five personality traits on household solar energy adoption in Germany. | Energy Research & Social Science, 77,2021 | IF: 4,771 |
35. | Przedrzymirska J., Zaucha J., Calado H., Lukic I., Bocci M., Ramieri E., Caña-Varona M., Barbanti A., Depellegrin D., Sousa Vergílio M., Schultz-Zehden A., Onyango V., Papaioannou E.A., Buck B.H., Krause G., Schupp M.F., Läkamp R., Szefler K., Michałek M., Maniopoulou M., Vassilopoulou V., Kyriazi Z., Gawlikowska-Hueckel K., Szultka S, Orobello Ch., Kira Gee K., Buchanan B., Lazić M. | Multi-use of the sea as a sustainable development instrument in five EU sea basins | Sustainability, ISSN 2071-1050, 2021, t. 13, , nr 15, s.1-16 | IF 2020: 3.251 5 years IF: 3.473 |
36. | Przybylowski A., Stelmak S., Suchanek M. | Mobility behaviour in view of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic - public transport users in Gdansk case study | Sustainability, ISSN 2071-1050, 2021, t.13, nr 1, s. 1-12. | IF: 2.576 (2019) ; 5 years IF: 2.798 |
37. | Rześny-Cieplińska J., Szmelter-Jarosz A., Moslem S. | Priority-based stakeholders analysis in the view of sustainable city logistics: evidence for Tricity, Poland | Sustainable Cities and Society, ISSN 2210-6715, e-ISSN 2210-6707 , 2021,t.67, s. 1-14 | IF: 5.268 5 years IF: 5.143 |
38. | Stefaniak J., Ambroziak A.A. | Intra-EU vs. extra-EU trade in ICT services | International Journal of Management and Economics, ISSN 2299-9701, e-ISSN 2543-5361, 2021, t.57, nr 1, s.34-43. | |
39. | Suchanek M., Jagiełło A., Suchanek J. | Substitutability and complementarity of municipal electric bike sharing systems against other forms of urban transport | Applied Sciences-Basel, ISSN 2076-3417, 2021, t. 11, nr.15, s.1-17. | |
40. | Szmelter-Jarosz A., Suchanek M. | Mobility patterns of students: evidence from Tricity area, Poland | Applied Sciences-Basel, ISSN 2076-3417, 2021, t.11, nr 2, s.1-17. | IF (2019): 2.474 5 years IF: 2.458 |
41. | Umiński S., Borowicz A. | Will multinational enterprises contribute to Poland's economic resilience and recovery during and post COVID-19 pandemic | Transnational Corporations Review, ISSN 1918-6444, e-ISSN 1925-2099, 2021, t.13, nr 1, s.74-87. | |
42. | Wołek M. , Wolański M. , Bartłomiejczyk M. , Wyszomirski O. , Grzelec K. Hebel K. | Ensuring sustainable development of urban public transport: a case study of the trolleybus system in Gdynia and Sopot (Poland) | Journal of Cleaner Production, ISSN 0959-6526, e-ISSN 1879-1786, 2021, t. 279, s.1-14 | IF : 7.246 5 years IF: 7.491 |
43. | Wołek M., Jagiełło A., Wolański M. | Multi-criteria analysis in the decision-making process on the electrification of public transport in cities in Poland: a case study analysis | Energies, ISSN 1996-1073, 2021, t. 14, nr 19, s.1-13. | IF 2020: 3.004 5 years IF: 3.085 |
44. | Wołek M., Suchanek M., Czuba T. | Factors influencing walking trips. Evidence from Gdynia, Poland | PLoS ONE, ISSN 1932-6203, 2021, t.16, nr 8, s.1-21. | IF 2020: 3.240 5 years IF: 3,226 |
45. | Zanne M., Borkowski P. | Comparative analysis of two seaports in the Baltic-Adriatic corridor | Transactions on Maritime Science-ToMS, ISSN 1848-3305, e-ISSN 1848-3313, 2021, t.10, nr 1, s.1-7. | |
46. | Zaucha J., Kreiner A. | Engagement of stakeholders in the marine/maritime spatial planning process | Marine Policy, ISSN 0308-597X, e-ISSN 1872-9460, 2021, t.132, s. 1-11. | IF 2020: 4.173 5 years IF: 4.072 |
47. | Zientara P., Adamska-Mieruszewska J., Bąk M. | Hotel employees' views on fairness, well‐being and collective representation in times of the coronavirus crisis: evidence from Poland | INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS JOURNAL, ISSN 0019-8692, e-ISSN 1468-2338, 2021, t. 52, nr 5, s. 458-475. | IF 2020: 2.079 5 years IF: 2.259 |
2020 rok | ||||
1. | Adamska-Mieruszewska J., Mrzygłód U. | Foreign listing pricing effects. The case of emerging economies | Bank i Kredyt, ISSN 0137-5520, 2020,nr 51, s. 367-382 | |
2. | Aziewicz D. | Koncepcje reformy systemu nadzoru nad spółkami z udziałem Skarbu Państwa w Polsce | Gospodarka Narodowa, ISSN 0867-0005, e-ISSN 2300-5238, 2020, t.304, nr 4, s.135 - 157 | |
3. | Bedane S. Gemeda , Birhanu G. Abebe , Paczoski A. , Yi Xie , Cirella G. | What motivates speculators to speculate? | Entropy, ISSN 1099-4300, 2020, t.2, s.1-17. | IF: 2.494 5 years IF: 2.53 |
4. | Bednarz J, Orelly P. | The importance of social media on the FMCG market in Bangladesh | International Journal of Management and Economics, ISSN 2299-9701 , 2020, nr 56 (3), s. 230- 242. | |
5. | Bieliński T., Dopierała Ł., Tarkowski M. , Ważna A. | Lessons from implementing a metropolitan electric bike sharing system | Energies, [ENERGIES], ISSN 1996-1073, 2020, t.13., s.1-21 | IF: 2.707 |
6. | Brodzicki T., Jurkiewicz T., Marques – Ramos Laura, Umiński S. | Patterns and determinants of the horizontal and vertical intra-industry trade of regions: panel analysis for Spain & Poland | Journal Applied Economics, Volume 52, 2020 - Issue 14 s. 1533-1552 | IF (2019): 1.103 |
7. | Brzezicki Ł. | The efficiency of public and private higher education institutions in Poland | Gospodarka Narodowa, ISSN 0867-0005, e-ISSN 2300-5238, 2020, t. 304, nr 4, s. 33- 51. | |
8. | Brzezicki Ł., Pietrzak P., Cieciora M. | The total efficiency of teaching activity of Polish higher education institutions | Foundations of Management, ISSN 2080-7279, e-ISSN 2300-5661,2020, t.12, nr 1, s.19-30 | |
9. | Charłampowicz J., Mańkowski C. | Economic efficiency evaluation system of maritime container terminals | Ekonomia i Prawo, ISSN 1898-2255, e-ISSN 2392-1625, 2020, t.19, nr 1, s.21 – 32. | |
10. | Czechowski P.O., Dąbrowiecki P. , Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek A. , Bielawska M., Czermański E. , Owczarek T. , Rogula-Kopiec P., Badyda A. | A preliminary attempt at the identification and financial estimation of the negative health effects of urban and industrial air pollution based on the agglomeration of Gdańsk | Sustainability, ISSN 2071-1050, 2020, t.12, s. 1-27. | IF: 2.576 (2019) ; 5 years IF: 2.798 |
11. | Czermański E., Pawłowska B., Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek A., Cirella G. | Decarbonization of maritime transport: analysis of external costs | Frontiers in Energy Research, ISSN 2296-598X, e-ISSN 2296-598X, 2020, t.8, s.1-8. | IF (2019): 2.746 |
12. | Dopierała Ł. , Mosionek-Schweda M., Ilczuk D. | Does the asset allocation policy affect the performance of climate-themed funds? Empirical evidence from the Scandinavian mutual funds market | Sustainability, ISSN 2071-1050, 2020, t.12, s. 1-23. | IF: 2.576 (2019) ; 5 years IF: 2.798 |
13. | Gemeda B.S., Abebe B.G, Cirella G. | Urban land speculation: model development | Property Management, ISSN 0263-7472, e-ISSN 1758-731X, 2020, t. 38, nr 5, s. 613-626 | |
14. | Jażdżewska-Gutta M. , Grottel M. , Wach D. | AEO certification – necessity or privilege for supply chain participants | Supply Chain Management-An International Journal, [Supply Chain Management], ISSN 1359-8546, e-ISSN 1758-6852, 2020, t.6, s. 679-691 | IF 2019- 2020 : 4.725 5 years IF: 7.207 |
15. | Kaliszewski A., Kozłowski A., Dąbrowski J., Klimek H. | Key factors of container port competitiveness: a global shipping lines perspective | Marine Policy, ISSN 0308-597X, e-ISSN 1872-9460, 2020, s.1-10 | IF 2019-2020: 3.228 5 years IF: 3.342 |
16. | Kaliszewski A., Kozłowski A., Dąbrowski J., Klimek H. | Survey data on global shipping lines assessing factors of container port competitiveness | Data in Brief, ISSN 2352-3409, 2020, t.30, s.1-7 | |
17. | Kempa J., Kozłowski R. | Participatory budget as a tool supporting the development of civil society in Poland | NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, ISSN 1337-9038, e-ISSN 1338-4309,2020, t.13, nr 1, s. 61-79 | |
18. | Koźlak A. | The relationship between the concepts of sharing economy and smart cities: the case of shared mobility and smart transport | International Journal of Sustainable Society, ISSN 1756-2538, e-ISSN 1756-2546 , t.12, nr 2, s. 152 – 184. | |
19. | Nikodemska-Wołowik A.M., Bednarz J. , Wach D. , Kubik M. , Little J. | Building aware and unaware consumers’ trust towards family business: Evidence from Poland | Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, ISSN 2353-883X, e-ISSN 2353-8821, t.8, nr 3, s.135-154. | |
20. | Nowak S. , Mrzygłód U., Mosionek-Schweda M., Kwiatkowski J. | What do we know about dividend smoothing in this millennium? Evidence from Asian Markets | Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, ISSN 1540-496X, e-ISSN 1558-0938, 2020 | IF 2019-2020: 1.214 5 years IF: 1.156 |
21. | Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek A., Czermański E., Cirella G. | Sustainable supply chain of enterprises: value analysis | Sustainability, ISSN 2071-1050, 2020, t.12., s. 1-15. | IF: 2.576 (2019) ; 5 years IF: 2.798 |
22. | Poier S. | Clean and Green – The Volkswagen Emissions Scandal: Failure of Corporate Governance? | Problemy Ekorozwoju - Problems of Sustainable Development, 2020, 15(2), 33–39. | IF: 1,117 (2019); 5-year IF: 0,900 (2019) |
23. | Połom M., Tarkowski M., Puzdrakiewicz K., Dopierała Ł. | Is it possible to develop electromobility in urban passenger shipping in post-communist countries? Evidence from Gdańsk, Poland | Energies, [ENERGIES], ISSN, 1996-1073, 2020, t.13, nr 23, s.1-24. | IF: 2.707 |
24. | Rześny-Cieplińska J., Szmelter-Jarosz A. | Environmental sustainability in city logistics measures | Energies, [ENERGIES], ISSN 1996-1073, 2020, t.13, s.1-29. | IF: 2.707 |
25 | Rześny-Cieplińska J., Szmelter-Jarosz A. | Toward most valuable city logistics initiatives: crowd logistics solutions’ assessment model | Central European Management Journal, 2020, t.28, nr 2, s. 38-56. | |
26. | Stępniak A., Stefaniak J., Zieliński M. | Unia Europejska jako liczący się partner globalny. Prawda czy iluzja? | Przegląd Zachodni, ISSN 0033-2437, e-ISSN, 2020, t.374, nr 1, s. 7 – 18. | |
27. | Szmelter-Jarosz A. , Rześny-Cieplińska J. | Priorities of urban transport system stakeholders according to crowd logistics solutions in city areas. A sustainability perspective | Sustainability, ISSN 2071-1050, 2020, t.12, s.1-20. | IF: 2.576 (2019) ; 5 years IF: 2.798 |
28. | Szmelter-Jarosz A., Rześny-Cieplińska J., Jezierski A. | Assessing resources management for sharing economy in urban logistics | Resources, [Resources], ISSN 2079-9276, e-ISSN 2079-9276, 2020, t. 9, s. 1-30. | |
29. | Wołek M. , Szmelter-Jarosz A. , Koniak M., Golejewska A. | Transformation of trolleybus transport in Poland. Does in-motion charging (technology) matter? | Sustainability, ISSN 2071-1050, 2020, t.12, s.1-25. | IF: 2.576 (2019) ; 5 years IF: 2.798 |
30. | Zaucha J., Matczak M., Witkowska J., Szczęch A., Mytlewski A., Pardus J. | Maritime spatial rent for modelling maritime spatial development | Studia Regionalne i Lokalne, ISSN 1509-4995, 2020, nr 1, s. 5 – 29. | |
31. | Zientara P., Anna Zamojska A., Cirella G. | Participatory urban governance: multilevel study | PLoS ONE, ISSN 1932-6203, 2020, t.15, s. 1-23. | IF 2019-2020: 2.74 5 years IF: 3.227 |
32. | Zientara P., Bohdanowicz-Godfrey P., Whitely C., Maciejewski G. | A case study of LightStay (2010-2017) - Hilton’s corporate responsibility management system | Energies, [ENERGIES], ISSN 1996-1073, 2020, t.13. s. 1-21 | IF: 2.707 |
2019 rok | ||||
1. | Abebe S. T., Dagnew A. B., Zeleke V. G., Eshetu G. Z., Cirella G.T. | Willingness to pay for watershed management | Resourses, t. 8 (2), ss.1-18. | |
2. | Bąk M. | Central and Eastern European countries toward the Belt and Road Initiative: the role of 16+1 initiative, | Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies, nr online first, 2019 | |
3. | Bąk M., Borkowski P. | Young transport users' perception of ICT solutions change | w: Social Sciences, vol. 8, nr 8, 2019, ss. 1-17, Numer artykułu:222, | |
4. | Bieliński T., Kwapisz A., Ważna A. | Bike-sharing systems in Poland | Sustainability, vol. 11, nr 9, 2019, ss. 1-14, Numer artykułu:2458, D | IF: 2.576 (2019) ; 5 years IF: 2.798 |
5. | Bieliński T., Markiewicz M., Oziewicz E. | Do Central and Eastern Europe countries play a role in the belt and road initiative? The case of Chinese OFDI into the CEE-16 countries | Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe, vol. 22, nr 2, 2019, ss. 7-22 | |
6. | Bohdanowicz-Godfrey P., Zientara P., Bąk M. |
Towards an accessible hotel: a case study of Scandic | Current Issues in Tourism, vol. 22, nr 10, 2019, ss. 1133-1137 | IF 2019-2020: 4.147 5 years IF: 4.818 |
7. | Brodzicki T. | The intensity of market competition and the innovative performance of firms | Innovation-Management Policy & Practice, vol. 21, nr 2, 2019, ss. 336-358 | IF 2019: 0.915 5 years IF: 1.107 |
8. | Brodzicki T., Golejewska A. | Firms' innovation performance and the role of the metropolitan location. Evidence from the European periphery | Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, nr online first, 2019, ss. 1-1 | IF 2019-2020: 3.620 |
9. | Calado H., PapaioannouE.A., Caña-Varona M., Onyango V., Zaucha J., Przedrzymirska J., Roberts T., Sangiuliano S.J., Vergílio M. | Multi-uses in the Eastern Atlantic: Building bridges in maritime space | Ocean & Coastal Management, vol. 174, 2019, ss. 131-143 | IF 2019-2020: 2.482 |
10. | Cirella G., Bąk M., Koźlak A., Pawłowska B., Borkowski P. | Transport innovations for elderly people | Research in Transportation Business and Management, ISSN 2210-5395, e-ISSN 2210-5409, 2019, t.30, s.1-17 | IF 2019: 2.189 |
11. | Cirella G.T., Iyalomhe F.O., Adekola P.O. | Determinants of flooding and strategies for mitigation: Two-year case study of Benin city | Geosciences (Switzerland), vol. 9, nr 3, 2019, ss. 1-15 | IF 2019: 4.2 |
12. | Jaworski J., Czerwonka L. | Meta-study on relationship between macroeconomic and institutional environment and internal determinants of enterprises' capital structure | Ekonomska Istrazivanja-Economic Research, vol. 32, nr 1, 2019, ss. 2614-2637, | IF 2018-2019: 1.38 |
13. | Jaworski J., Czerwonka L., Mądra-Sawicka M. | Determinants of capital structure: evidence from Polish food manufacturing industry | German Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 68, nr 1, 2019, ss. 45-56 | IF 2018: 0.667 5 years IF: 0.750 |
14. | Kim M., Xie Y., Cirella G. T., | Sustainable transformative economy: community-based ecotourism | Sustainability, vol. 11, nr 18, 2019, ss. 1-15, Numer artykułu:4977 | IF: 2.576 (2019) ; 5 years IF: 2.798 |
15. | Klimek H., Michalska-Szajer A., Dąbrowski J. | Corporate social responsibility of the Port of Gdańsk, | Zeszyty Naukowe / Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, nr 59 (131), 2019, ss. 72-82 | |
16. | Mańkowski C. , Weiland D., Abramović B. | Impact of railway investment on regional development – case study of Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway | Promet-Traffic & Transportation, [Promet - Traffic - Traffico], ISSN 0353-5320, e-ISSN 1848-4069, 2019, t.31, s. 669-679 | IF 2019: 0.664 5 years IF: 0.801 |
17. | Matusiewicz M. | Towards sustainable urban logistics: creating sustainable urban freight transport on the example of a Limited Accessibility Zone in Gdansk | Sustainability, vol. 11, nr 14, 2019, ss. 1-15, Numer artykułu:3879 | IF: 2.576 (2019) ; 5 years IF: 2.798 |
18. | Matusiewicz M., Rolbiecki R., Foltyński M. | The tendency of urban stakeholders to adopt sustainable logistics measures on the example of a Polish metropolis | Sustainability, ISSN 2071-1050, t.11 | IF: 2.576 (2019) ; 5 years IF: 2.798 |
19. | Nazarczuk J., Umiński S. | Foreign trade in special economic zones in Poland | Monografia, Wydawnictwo UWM, 2019, s.132 | |
20. | Nazarczuk J., Umiński S., Brodzicki T. | Determinants of the spatial distribution of exporters in regions: the role of ownership | Annals of Regional Science, ISSN 0570-1864, e-ISSN 1432-0592, 2019, s.1-28. | IF 2019: 1.75 5 years IF: 1.783 |
21. | Nikodemska-Wołowik A.M., Marjański A., Brack A. | Company values - a case study of the family enterprise August Storck KG | Journal of Intercultural Management, vol. 11, nr 1, 2019, ss. 5-22 | |
22. | Nikodemska-Wołowik A.M., Bednarz J. | Family enterprises in the context of consumer ethnocentrism and relationship-building, | Problemy Zarządzania, vol. 17, nr 1 (81), 2019, ss. 77-92, | |
23. | Nikodemska-Wołowik A.M., Bednarz J., Foreman J.R. | Trends in young consumers' behaviour - implications for family enterprises | Economics & Sociology, vol. 12, nr 3, 2019, ss. 11-24 | |
24. | Okraszewska R., Jamroz K., Michalski L., Żukowska J., Grzelec K., Birr K. | Analysing ways to achieve a New Urban Agenda-based sustainable metropolitan transport | Sustainability, vol. 11, nr 3, 2019, ss. 1-21 | IF: 2.576 (2019) ; 5 years IF: 2.798 |
25. | Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek A., Czermański E. | The evolution of the ship owner profile in global container shipping, | Zeszyty Naukowe / Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, nr 58 (130), 2019, ss. 105-112, | |
26. | Pangsy-Kania S., Sokół A. | The climate conducive to creativity in the city and its impact on the development of creative sectors | Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, [Studies in Logics, Grammar and Rethoric], ISSN 0860-150X, 2019, t.59, s. 191- 210 | |
27. | Paczoski A., Abebe S.T., Cirella G.T. | Debt and deficit growth rate reporting for Post-Communist European Union Member States | Social Sciences, vol. 8, nr 6, 2019, ss. 1-17, Numer artykułu:173, | |
28. | Piwowarczyk J., Gee K., Gilek M., Hassler B., Luttmann A., Maack L., Matczak M., Morf A., Saunders F., Stalmokaitė I., Zaucha J. | Insights into integration challenges in the Baltic Sea Region marine spatial planning: Implications for the HELCOM-VASAB principles | Ocean & Coastal Management, vol. 175, 2019, ss. 98-109 | IF 2019-2020: 2.482 5 years IF: 2.972 |
29. | Prusak B., Morawska S., Kuczewska J., Banasik P. | The role of stakeholders on rejection of bankruptcy applications in the case of "poverty" of the estate: A Polish case study | w:International Insolvency Review, vol. 28, nr 1, 2019, ss. 63-85 | IF 2019: 1.000 5 years IF: 0.839 |
30. | Rześny-Cieplińska J., Szmelter-Jarosz A. | Assessment of the crowd logistics solutions - the stakeholders' analysis approach | Sustainability, ISSN 2071-1050, 2019, t.11, s. 1-26. | IF: 2.576 (2019) ; 5 years IF: 2.798 |
31. | Suchanek M., Szmelter-Jarosz A. | Environmental aspects of Generation Y’s sustainable mobility | Sustainability, vol. 11, nr 11, 2019, ss. 1-13, Numer artykułu:3204 | IF: 2.576 (2019) ; 5 years IF: 2.798 |
32. | Szmelter-Jarosz A. | Mobility choices of the Generation Y in Poland | Journal of Economics and Management, vol. 36, nr 2, 2019, ss. 84-104 | |
33. | Zaucha J., Bohme K. | Measuring territorial cohesion is not a mission impossible | European Planning Studies, nr online first, 2019, ss. 1-1 | IF 2019: 2.226 5 years IF: 2.621 |
34. | Zientara P., Zamojska A., Maciejewski G., Nikodemska-Wołowik A.M. | Environmentalism and Polish coal mining: a multilevel study | Sustainability, vol. 11, nr 11, 2019, ss. 1-15, Numer artykułu:3086 | IF: 2.576 (2019) ; 5 years IF: 2.798 |
2018 rok | ||||
1. | Bizon. W | "Tell them it's easy": framing incentives in learning basic statistical problems | Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. - 2018, Vol. 76, s. 76-81 | IF 2018: 1.145 5 years IF: 1.431 |
2. | Blajer – Gołębiewska A., Wach D., Kos M. | Financial risk information avoidance | Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja. - 2018, Vol. 31, no. 1, s. 521-536 | IF 2018: 2.229 5 years IF: 2.167 |
3. | Brodzicki T., Umiński S. | A gravity panel data analysis of foreign trade by regions : the role of metropolises and history | Regional Studies. - 2018, Vol. 52, iss. 2, s. 261-273 | IF 2018-2019: 3.312 5 years IF: 4.174 |
4. | Ciołek D., Matczak M., Piwowarczyk J., Rakowski M., Szefler K., Zaucha J. | The perspective of Polish fishermen on maritime spatial planning | Ocean & Coastal Management. - 2018, Vol. 166, s. 113-124 | IF 2018-2019: 2.482 5 years IF: 2.972 |
5. | Cirella G.T., Felix O. Iyalomhe | Flooding conceptual review: sustainability-focalized best practices in Nigeria | Applied Sciences-Basel. - 2018, Vol. 8, iss. 9, art. no. 1558, s. 1-14 | IF 2018: 2.474 5 years IF: 2.458 |
6. | Cirella G.T., Felix O. Iyalomhe, Jensen A., Oluwole O. Akiyode | Exploring community of practice in Uganda's public sector: environmental impact assessment case study | Sustainability. - 2018, Vol. 10, iss. 7, art. no. 2502, s. 1-17 | IF: 2.576 (2019) ; 5 years IF: 2.798 |
7. | Czerwonka L. | Zarządzanie finansami : wprowadzenie, przykłady i zadania | Monografia/Abstrakt, Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck, MNiSW , 2018. | |
8. | Nazarczuk J., Umiński, S. | The impact of Special Economic Zones on export behaviour. Evidence from Polish firm-level data | E & M Ekonomie a Management. - 2018, Vol. 21, iss. 3, s. 4-22 | IF 2018: 1.195 5 years IF: 1.065 |
9. | Okraszewska R., Romanowska A., Wołek M., Oskarbski J., Birr K., Jamroz K. | Integration of a multilevel transport system model into sustainable urban mobility planning | Sustainability. - 2018, Vol. 10, iss. 2, art. no. 479, s. 1-20 | IF 2018: 2.870 |
10. | Russo A., Cirella G.T. | Modern compact cities: how much greenery do we need? | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. - 2018, Vol. 15, iss. 10, art. no. 2180, s. 1-15 | IF: 2.849 5 years IF: 3.127 |
11. | Wojewódzka-Król K., Rolbiecki R. | Infrastruktura transportu: Europa, Polska - teoria i praktyka | Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, MNiSW, 2018. | |
12. | Zaucha J. | Methodology of maritime spatial planning in Poland | Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology. - 2018, 19, no. 2, s. 713-720 | IF: 0.692 5 years IF: 0.657 |
13. | Zientara P., Zamojska A. | Green organizational climates and employee pro-environmental behaviour in the hotel industry | Journal of Sustainable Tourism. - 2018, Vol. 26, iss. 7, s. 1142-1159 | IF 2018: 3.986 5 years IF: 4.664 |
14. | Zientara P., Bohdanowicz-Godfrey P. | Mechanisms and tools for measuring and reporting sustainability in the hotel industry: a practical dimension | Lindgreen Adam, Vallaster Christine, Yousafzai Shumaila, Hirsch Bernhard (red.): Measuring and controlling sustainability: spanning theory and practice, 2018, Routledge, s.189 – 205. | |
2017 rok | ||||
1. | Brodzicki T., Ciołek D., Śledziewska K. | What really determines Polish exports? The semi-mixed effects gravity model for Poland | Argumenta Oeconomica. - 2017, no 2 (39), s. 5-19 | IF : 0.288 5 years IF: 0.395 |
2. | Jacek Zaucha , Tomasz Komornicki | The place-based approach in development policy : a comparative analysis of Polish and EU space | Bachtler John, Berkowitz Peter, Hardy Sally, Muravska Tatjana (red.): EU cohesion policy: reassessing performance and direction, 2017, Routledge, s. 297-310 . | |
3. | Zaucha J. | The territorial keys of policies | Medeiros Eduardo (red.): Uncovering the territorial dimension of European Union cohesion policy : cohesion, development, impact assessment, and cooperation, 2017, Routledge, s.23-43. | |
4. | Zientara P. | Socioemotional wealth and corporate social responsibility : a critical analysis | Journal of Business Ethics. - 2017, Vol. 144, iss. 1, s. 185-199 | IF: 4.141 5 years IF: 5.453 |
2015 rok | ||||
1. | Bąk M., Borkowski P. | Applicability of ICT solutions in passenger transport - case studies from different European backgrounds | Transport. - 2015, Vol. 30, iss. 3, s. 372-381 | IF: 1.533 |
2. | Zientara P., Kujawski L., Bohdanowicz-Godfrey P. | Corporate social responsibility and employee attitudes : evidence from a study of Polish hotel employees | Journal of Sustainable Tourism. - 2015, Vol. 23, iss. 6, s. 859-880 | IF: 3.52 |
2014 rok | ||||
1. | Jażdżewska-Gutta M. | Dealing with supply chain security : case of Poland in a global perspective | International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics. - 2014, Vol. 6, no. 3, s. 356-367 | IF: 1.52 |
2. | Zaucha J., Komornicki T., Böhme K., Świątek D., Żuber P. | Territorial keys for bringing closer the Territorial Agenda of the EU and Europe 2020 | European Planning Studies. - 2014, Vol. 22, no. 2, s. 246-267 | IF: 1.76 |
2013 rok | ||||
1. | Babula E., Korpysa J. | Reflection effect in stochastic specification (Strong, CPT) of pairwise choice under risk | Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research. - 2013, Vol. 47, no. 1, s. 219-233 | IF: 0.481 |
2. | Ciżkowicz P., Rzońca A., Umiński S. | The determinants of regional exports in Poland - a panel data analysis | Post-Communist Economies. - 2013, Vol. 25, iss. 2, s. 206-224 | IF: 0.770 |
3. | Kamińska T., Babula E. | Quality of life as a mirror of welfare. International comparisons | Transformations in Business & Economics. - 2013, Vol. 12, no. 2B, s. 342-353 | IF: 0.320 |
2012 rok | ||||
1. | Kamińska T., Czerwonka L. | Evolution of enterprises' size regarding employment in the European Union countries | Transformations in Business & Economics. - 2012, Vol. 11, no. 2A, s. 451-464 | IF: 0.394 |
2. | Varma A., Grodzicki J., Pichler S., Kupferer S., Ramaswami A. | Expatriate categorisation and evaluation : an empirical investigation in Poland and India | European Journal of International Management. - 2012, Vol. 6, iss. 1, s. 63-82 | IF: 1.750 |
3. | Zaucha J. | Offshore spatial information - maritime spatial planning in Poland | Regional Studies. - 2012, Vol. 46, iss. 4, s. 459-473 | IF: 2.691 |
2011 rok | ||||
1. | Bohdanowicz P., Zientara P., Novotna E. | International hotel chains and environmental protection : an analysis of Hilton's we care! programme (Europe, 2006-2008) | Journal of Sustainable Tourism. - 2011, Vol. 19, no. 7, s. 797-816 | IF: 3.478 |
2. | Kamińska T., Babula E., Brycz M. | What about efficiency and equity dilemma in Poland's economy? | Transformations in Business & Economics. - 2011, Vol. 10, no. 2A, s. 430-439 | IF: 1.148 |
3. | Zientara P. | When environmental protection collides with economic development : scalar interpretation of conflicts in Polish localities | Eastern European Economics. - 2011, Vol. 49, no. 2, s. 64-81 | IF: 0.429 |
2009 rok | ||||
1. | Kamińska T. | The ICT usage as an attribute of the knowledge-based economy - Poland's case | Transformations in Business & Economics. 2009, Vol. 8, no. 3 (18), suppl. B., s. 166-183 | IF: 1.913 |