Communication at work - workshop with BZ WBK

Posted on 2015-11-23

The challenges of the modern labor market mean the requirements of good preparation for future work - in terms of comprehensive knowledge and many skills. This also applies to the ability to work in a group, understand received messages properly and send them effectively regardless of the personality or age group. And what happens in practice ...?

Scientific Circle of International Finance invites all students to the workshop, during which you can learn how to communicate in work with a particular focus on the differences between the generations (X, Y, ...).

The plan of the meeting covers also presentation of the career prospects, internships and apprenticeships, especially for students interested in working in the financial world.

The workshop will take Mrs. Kamila Kowalska, HR Manager at Bank Zachodni WBK.

All interested students are cordially invited on Wednesday 25th November 2015, at 9.00 at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdansk, room C-102.



The number of places is limited.

Contact: dr Magdalena Markiewicz,