Expert lecture

Posted on 2024-01-08

January 9, 2024 (Tuesday) at11.30-13.00 there will be classes led by Ms. Dorota Franczyk, F&A Service Delivery Lead, Senior Manager at Accenture Operations.

The topic of the meeting is "Time Management".

The classes will be held in room A8 in building C at the Faculty of Economics, University of Gdansk, Sopot, ul.Armii Krajowej 119/121.


Time management is the ability to effectively manage time is crucial in professional and private life. Having this type of skills translates into increased productivity, reduced stress and improved quality of tasks performed. Through effective planning, prioritization and elimination of unnecessary factors, an individual can achieve a higher level of effectiveness, which contributes to achieving goals both professionally and personally.

The value of time management skills also manifests itself in a better work-life balance, which promotes an overall sense of satisfaction and harmony.



Ms. Dorota Franczyk has many years of experience working on international markets.

She is a senior manager with excellent experience in building high-performance teams and maintaining lasting client relationships in the BPO sector. Additionally, she is an expert in program management in the field of finance and accounting, an ACCA certification holder, and a passionate about integration and diversity.

She specializes in areas such as finance and accounting, with particular emphasis on the SSC and BPO environment. Her activities also include strengthening and developing talents and intercultural communication.


The lecture will be attended by students specializing in business - finance and market in the field of economics, as well as students of the specialization in international finance and banking and specialization in international managerial economics in the field of international economic relations.


We invite everyone willing to join and take advantage of a very interesting series of lectures with practitioners at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk!



The lecture will be held as part of the cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk and Accenture.

The cooperation coordinator is Dr. Magdalena Markiewicz, vice-dean for development and cooperation with the socio-economic environment at Faculty of Economics, UG.