5th Congress "Economy for health"

Posted on 2022-12-12

On December 6, 2022, dr hab. Beata Majecka, professor of the University of Gdańsk participated in the 5th Congress of Economy for Health organized by the Warsaw School of Economics and the Institute of Innovation and Responsible Development INNOWO.

The next edition of the conference was devoted to the current problems of the functioning of the Polish health care system, economic analyzes in this sector of the economy and economic problems related to modern technologies and innovative solutions affecting the effectiveness of health care entities. Discussions in subsequent panels were conducted by scientists in the field of economic sciences, health care practitioners and representatives of the Ministry of Health, the National Health Fund and the Social Insurance Institution.

Prof. B. Majecka took part in the expert panel devoted to the usefulness of economic analyzes in health care and devoted her speech mainly to presenting the direction of Telemedicine and projects in health care. Health Care Technology, which has been run since 2020 at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk, in cooperation with the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk.
Experiences based on the education of students, and currently graduates of the first, already completed year, as well as the subject of research undertaken by these students as part of the preparation of master's theses prove that economic education of health care personnel is necessary to ensure the efficiency of health care entities. The usefulness of various economic analyzes is confirmed for raising the level of knowledge of the personnel of health care units, and thus shaping their positive attitudes towards changes, especially those of an innovative nature.

A very interesting part of the Congress was the presentation of the latest Health at a glance: Europe report by Mr. Gaetan Lafortune from the OECD."