Wojciech Wawrzyński, PhD

Posted on 2020-01-10

Initiation of PhD conferment procedure: October 27th, 2005
(PhD conferment procedure run according to the legislation of the Act on academic degrees and academic title and degrees and title in art before October 1st, 2013)

The title of PhD thesis: Fundusze bezzwrotnej pomocy jako narzędzie europejskiej strategii budowania współpracy w sektorze badań i rozwoju - na przykładzie sektora badań i eksploatacji morza

Supervisor: Krystyna Gawlikowska-Hueckel, Associate Professor


Acceptance of the PhD thesis for public defense: November 15th, 2012

Announcement of the public PhD thesis defense: December 17th, 2012

Acceptance of the public PhD thesis defense: December 17th, 2012

Awarding the degree of doctor in economics: January 17th, 2013