
The crisis in the global economy has had a main impact on financial markets and then moved to the real economy. It has affected the global economy especially in a production, an investment and a consumption. The crisis is also present and particularly painful in the social aspects. Its effects are also visible in the ecology. It has a destructive influence on the globalization process, on the relations that occur in this process, reduces the dynamics of production factors and does not support the building of permanent interdependencies between markets and production. These should be thoroughly analyzed and evaluated to prevent the negative effects.


The governments of individual countries should not only be focused on protection of their own economies, but first and foremost should undertake such activities and implement instruments that will reform global corporate governance towards corporate social responsibility, contribute to stabilization on financial and commodity markets and pull out the world economy from a deep crisis. The mutual exchange of information and experience should help achieve this goal. It is necessary to create a wider field for scientific discussions, exchange of views, and systematic work to make specific diagnoses allowing to make rational decisions with a much smaller risk.


The crisis inhabits the development of the global economy, may be an excellent lesson for entrepreneurs, preparing them to build a new vision of the global economy, characterized by a different approach to money and social environment. Ethics in business should become natural in everyday life. J.E Stiglitz writes: "Bringing globalization to the desired results will not be easy. Those who benefit from the current system are very powerful but they will oppose change. The forces affecting the changes have already been launched. There will be reforms, even if they are initially small [J.E.Stiglitz, Wizja sprawiedliwej globalizacji. Propozycje usprawnień. Warszawa 2007, s.32]. It will certainly be accelerated by the crisis and increasing social awareness and, above all, by the recognition of the consequences of the sudden collapse of our entire civilization based on the basic sources of energy, i.e. oil and gas, whose deposits are not unlimited.


The organizers of the second conference dedicated to the issues of a company in the global economy, hope that at least to some extent a new view of the company and its position in the global economy will clearly emphasized in both papers and discussions.


Prof. Dr Janusz Żurek