
On the September 28-29, 2017 on the board of Stena Spirit ferry on the route Gdynia - Karlskrona - Gdynia took place the 9th Science Conference - InfoGlob 2017. The InfoGlob conference has been organised by the Institute of Maritime Transport and Seaborne Trade since 2008. In 2010-2016 the conference was organised under the InfoglobMar name. In 2017 the decision was made to divide the previous research areas presented at the conference and return to the initial name of the conference, InfoGlob. This year's edition of the conference was organised by the Institute of Maritime Transport and Seaborne Trade from the University of Gdańsk in cooperation with the Department of Economics and Economic Policy from the Gdynia Maritime University, the Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Enviromental Engineering, the Warsaw University of Technology, the Faculty of Civil and Enviromental Engineering, the Warsaw Univeristy of Life Sciences - SGGW and the Faculty of Fire Safety Engineering, the Main School of Fire Service in Warsaw.


The range of the topics of the conference concerned the challenges of the modern world economy in the macroeconomic and microeconomic approach, including: companies in the global environment, new technologies in the economic sector and the environment protection: modeling, forecasting and monitoring. The aim of the InfoGlob 2017 conference was the integration of the scientific communities and business practitioners, to exchange views and present research results, and practical experiences related to the range of the topics of the conference, as well as to indicate the possibility for further research.


During the conference, current issues of theories and practices concerning the directions of economic development, the environment and the companies operating within them were discussed. His magnificent dr hab. Jerzy Gwizdała, professor of UG, Rector of the University of Gdańsk has assumed the honorary patronage over the InfoGlob 2017 conference. The chairman of the Scientific Council was dr hab. Krzysztof Dobrowolski, prof. UG.

In debates took part: employees of the University of Gdańsk and the Gdynia Maritime University, representatives of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences- SGGW, the Main School of Fire Service in Warsaw, the Warsaw University of Technology, the Gdańsk University of Technology, the Opole University of Technology, the University of Szczecin, the University of Zielona Góra, the Brench of the University of Bialystok - the Faculty of Economics-Informatics in Wilnius, the Poznań University of Economics and Business, the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, the University of Economics in Katowice.


There have been published 34 articles in the following journals: Challenges of Modern Technology, Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Land Reclamation Series of Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Studies and Papers of the Institute of Maritime Transport and Seaborne Trade and electronic magazine Contemporary Economy.


As previous years, the conference was divided into plenary, thematic and a poster session. The first part of the conference, chaired by prof. dr hab. Juliusz Engelhardt, concerned the challenges faced by Poland and Polish companies. The interesting papers were delivered by prof. Krzysztof Dobrowolski (the University of Gdańsk) - Poland in and outside the eurozone risks and benefits in the light of new political and economic determinants; prof. Małgorzata Porada - Rochoń (the University of Szczecin) - Financial distress and financial restructuring of companies - determinants and effects; dr Aleksandra Hauke-Lopez (the Poznań University of Economics and Business) - Conflicts in business relationships - network concept; dr Marek Rutka (the University of Gdańsk) - Realization of the challenges of an innovative economy on the example of automotive companies in Poland.


The second part of the meeting was held in three problem teams:

Team 1 - Enterprise in a global environment,

Team 2 - Environmental protection: modeling, forecasting and monitoring,

Team 3 - New technologies in business sectors.


The role of moderator of the Team 1 was held by prof. dr hab. Ewie Oziewicz (the University of Gdańsk) and prof. dr hab. Ryszarda Rutka (the University of Gdańsk). The role of moderator of the Team 2, dedicated to the environment protection, was held by mł. bryg. dr inż. Paweł Ogrodnik (the Main School of Fire Service in Warsaw). New technologies in economic sectors were the subject of the third panel which was led by prof. Jacek Winiarski from the University of Gdańsk.

Prof. Dr eng. Aneta Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek