Selected articles and chapters published over last 5 years
1. (co-author) Uwarunkowania środowiska a skłonność do proinnowacyjnych zachowań przedsiębiorstwa, Uwarunkowania jakości życia w społeczeństwie informacyjnym Quality of Life, red. E. Skrzypek, UMCS, Lublin 2007
2. Innovation Deal in the Social Market Economy, [in:] Problemy ekonomii, polityki ekonomicznej i finansów publicznych, [ed.] J. Sokołowski, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu, Jelenia Góra 2008, Karpacz 2008
3. (co-author) Pro-efficient Transformation in the Polish Enterprises between 2005 and 2007 - an analytical study -International Conference Toruń maj 2009 [in:] Mangement in the 21st century. Concepts, Trends, Problems, Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa, Toruń 2009
4. An Enterprise as a Receiver in the Internet Knowledge Market, in “Decision Makers’ under the Conditions of Crisis Threat", Szczecin 2009
5. The ICT Usage as an Attribute of the Knowledge-Based Economy - Poland’ s Case, [in:] Tranformations in Business & Economics, Supplement B, 2009, Vol 8, No 3 (18), The Polish Economy in the Globalization Age, (Philadelphy List)
6. The “Socio-exclusion" as a Phenomenon in the Information Society - Poland’s Case over 2005 - 2008 Period, [in:] Ekonomiczne i polityczne wyzwania we współczesnym ładzie globalnym, [red] M. Giedz, A.R. Kozłowski, R. Majewski, CeDeWu.PL, Warszawa 2009,
7. The Information Society in Poland - the Individuals’ Approach, The International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies, 2010 Vol. 3
8. Internacjonalization of enterprise’s behaviour in the context of innovations, The Global Economy Challenges, Works and Materials of the International Business Institute of Uniwersity of Gdańsk, nr 28/2, Fundacja Rozwoju Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Sopot 2010,
9. Is the Polish Enterprise Innovative Enough to Survive in the Global Market? (Internationalisation Approach), “Entrepreneurship in Modern Economy - Challenges and Risks, Faculty of Management and Economics Gdańsk University of Technology and ICAN Institute - Harvard Business Review Poland, Gdańsk, June 2010
10. Pro-informative transformation of households in selected countries in the 21st century, [in:] Economic Challenges of Contemporary World, Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Szczecin 2010
11. What about Efficiency and Equity Dilemma in Poland’s Economy? [in:] Transformations in Business & Economics, Vol. 10, No2A/ 2011
12. (co-authorr Does the gravity model work as consider FDI? [in:] Journal of Business and Policy Research, 2013
13. (co-author & co-scienific editor) of a book on: Welfare backgrounds in the real sphere, University of Gdańsk, 2013