Przemysław Borkowski, Associate Professor

Vice-Dean of the Faculty
secretary's office phone:
Other duties:

Erasmus+ Programme Incoming Students Coordinator (Faculty of Economics)

Information for students

International Economic Perspectives



Dear IEP students. It was a pleasure to have you in this class. Lecture of 5.06 will not take place - we had enough during visiting professors weeks. I will now gather all my notes and visiting professor’s notes for final grade. There will be a date in June during exams session when you could come and visit me if you need or want to talk about the lecture (next week I will publish when exactly).


 IEP students - my office hours open to you will be Monday 17.06.24 13:00 - 14:00 (room 228)


Schedule for May

29.05. Lecture is canceled


9.05 dr Jakub Rak (Thu) 9:45-11:15 C204

13.05 dr Peter Svoboda (Mon) 11:30-13:00 C204 (students with surnames on the letter A to P)


13.05 dr Mircea Negrut (Mon) 11:30-13:00 a C203 (students with surnames on the letter R to Z)

Please note lecture 13.05 is divided group.



15. 05 dr Helena Fidlerowa (Wed) 9:45-11:15 C209


16.05 dr Andreea Mihartescu (Thu) 9:45-11:15 C204


22.05 prof. Bohdan Nichiforem (Wed) 9:45-11:15 C209

Wyniki obliczeń wartości ryzyka inwestycji infrastrukturalnych w Polsce metoda referencyjna
Ocena opłacalności inwestycji logistycznych
Wykorzystanie komputerow w analizie ekonomicznej
Portfolio management
Arkusz kalkulacyjny
Audyt ryzyka
Investment and Risk Assessment - L&M
Metody oceny inwestycji (studia zaoczne)