Elżbieta Wojnicka-Sycz, Habilitated doctor

Posted on 2013-11-08

The schedule of the habilitation procedure of

June 25th, 2013

Initiation of the habilitation procedure by the Central Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles

September 19th, 2013
Agreement on carring out habilitation procedure by the Council of the Faculty of Economics

October 15th, 2013
Appointment of the Habilitation Committee by the Central Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles

October 30th, 2013
Sending notifications on appointment of the Habilitation Committee together with the documentation on habilitation procedure to the members of the Habilitation Committee

January 29th, 2014
Completion of reviewers work and passing on reviews to the members of the Habilitation Committee

February 18th, 2014, at appr. 14:30
Meeting of the Habilitation Committee

April 10th, 2014
The Council of the Faculty of Economics resolution on awarding Elżbieta Wojnicka-Sycz, PhD a degree of habilitated doctor in economicsi