Study in Kobe - exchange program

Opublikowano 29 lutego 2024 roku

In line with a mutually beneficial agreement between the Faculty of Economics and the University of Kobe (KU), Japan, we are currently extending an invitation to 2nd-year International Business bachelor's students for an enriching academic experience in Kobe during the winter semester of 2024/25.

It is noteworthy that students admitted to KU under this program will be exempt from tuition fees; however, they are responsible for covering their own transportation and living expenses, including accommodation, while pursuing their studies in Japan.

The recruitment process is open until March 15, 2024, at 15:00, based on the timely submission of applications through the following form: Link to Application Form.

For additional details and pertinent information, kindly refer to the following resources: Link to Additional Information

We encourage prospective candidates to seize this unique opportunity for academic and cultural growth. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,
Dr Renata Orlowska