Summary of the ,,Meet the Business"

Posted on 2022-05-04

The "Meet the Business" series of meetings has come to an end - it resulted in a lot of knowledge and inspiration gained from Tri-City entrepreneurs. So let's summarize what we have achieved over the last two weeks: 


  • Magda Bellwon told us the secrets of using soft skills during business negotiations. 
  • Bartosz Manicki shared with us his specialist knowledge in the field of internet marketing.  
  • The topic of modern technologies in the business world was introduced to us by Rick de Heide.  
  • Magda Szpiner showed us the realities of the work of a radio journalist.  
  • Wojciech Łakomski told us about the challenges he faces as the president of the Northern Port. We also touched upon the issue of the global economy.        


The project was a huge success, as members of the Student Business Club we are very proud of it! Once again, we would like to thank all the experts who found the time to share their knowledge with us and inspire us to act. We would also like to thank everyone who took part in our event - we believe that it was a time well invested.  


It's been a busy two weeks, but we're not going to rest on our laurels! We are constantly working on new projects, so stay tuned with us and follow our social media.