Scientific celebration of student groups at FoE

Posted on 2024-05-07

Dear Members of the Academic Community,

We are happy to share with you the summary of the successful edition of the Congress of Ecological and Economic Science Clubs (KEEKS) 2024, which took place at our university.

This congress, which is a forum for discussion on the key challenges of our times, gathered enthusiasts of science and sustainable development at the Faculty of Economics during two days full of scientific excitement: April 24 and 25, 2024.

The 7th Congress of Economic and Ecological Student Clubs was an important element of the project "We are zeroing emissions - transfer of knowledge (from) the University of Gdańsk" was co-financed by the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Gdańsk and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.

The honorary patronage of the Congress was taken by the Rector of the University of Gdańsk, prof. Piotr Stepnowski.

Patronage over KEEKS 2024 was also provided by the Student and Doctoral Activity Center, the Center for Sustainable Development, Gazeta Uniwersytecka and Radio Mors.

The following units were involved in the organization of the Congress of Economic and Ecological Student Clubs:

Chemical Business Scientific Club, International Finance Scientific Club, HaZet Scientific Club, Economic Policy Scientific Club, Start UP Entrepreneurship Scientific Club, Maritime Scientific Club, Logistics Scientific Club, University-wide Scientific Club of Digital Games andAnalogue "UGranie" and - last but not least - Student Business Club.

During this year's edition of KEEKS 2024, the main topics of discussion focused on the problems of zero-emission and sustainable development.Presentations and discussion panels led by our students provided numerous participants with a deeper understanding of these issues and indicated potential solutions.

During the Congress we had the opportunity to:

  • listen to 12 speeches by students and 3 expert lectures, which were listened to by a total of approximately 450 participants,
  • announce the results of the film competition honoring 6 grand winners,
  • conduct a field game,
  • listen to a lecture in English,
  • all this thanks to the great commitment of 9 scientific clubs from 3 faculties of the University of Gdańsk and over 80 students, including 6 session moderators, along with scientific club supervisors and members of the project team.


On April 24, 2024, the first session of the Congress covered, among others:issues related to the challenges faced by companies reducing CO2 emissions, methods of measuring carbon footprint, the impact of green challenges on consumer behavior, as well as the use of drones in direct transport.


Mrs. Joanna Kotowicz, manager in the ESG Public Programs Department at PKO BP, referred to the results of the research of students who conducted research on ecological anxiety among the inhabitants of the Tricity and, as a result, found out that they had little awareness of how to measure their own carbon footprint.with building social awareness in this area during the presentation "How to measure the carbon footprint".


The second part of the Congress touched upon the issues of economic freedom and interventionism in the theory and practice of economics, the development of the solar panel market, the impact of the Green Deal on the future of Polish agriculture, and the reverse charge in VAT.


The third panel was related to issues of safety and freedom of consumer decision-making: awareness of "fast fashion", the impact on consumer purchasing decisions, short-term rental on the housing market, socio-economic challenges related to the electrification of road transport, including aspects of the choice of electric cars by consumers, the issue of maritime piracy in the context of safetyinternational trade and ecological aspects of decision-making in board games.



During the first day of the Congress, the results of the film competition "Emission of pollutants - the environment of people, animals and plants" were also announced.

The prizes and diplomas were presented to the winners by the Vice-Rector for Students and Quality of Education, dr hab. Arnold Kłonczyński, prof. UG who supported students during scientific sessions.


The expert highlight of the speeches on the first day of the Congress was the speech of Mr. Wojciech Tyborowski from Invest in Pomerania, who presented the issue of "Environmental protection and the investment acquisition strategy of the Pomeranian Voivodeship" in a very interesting and comprehensive way.


All speakers were asked many questions, which proves how important and interesting the topics were discussed during the meeting.



It is worth adding that on that day, the UGranie Scientific Club organized its branch at the Faculty of Economics on the Sopot campus - a stand where you could play pro- and anti-ecological games as well as economic games with members of the club.

The second day of the Congress began with an educational urban field game "In Search of the Carbon Footprint". The game attracted numerous groups of participants, including students from various faculties, as well as school children.

When scanned, hidden QR codes led to very interesting questions regarding issues related to carbon footprint emissions, expanding knowledge about reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere and reducing the carbon footprint. These interactive elements were crucial to the gameplay, because participants had to give the correct answers using special cards. Projects such as this one effectively expand knowledge among students, but also among primary and secondary school students. The event attracted huge participation and ended with an incredible success and great satisfaction not only of the participants, but also of the organizers themselves.

The second day of the Congress ended with an expert lecture on "Great myths of the Great Depression", delivered at the invitation of the Student Business Club by Lawrence W. Reed. The lecture allowed us to learn in detail about the economic and historical background of one of the breakthrough events in modern history, which forever influenced the shaping of the world economy.

The Congress of Economic and Ecological Student Clubs was an opportunity to get acquainted with the important results of scientific work by students who are active in scientific clubs and seek answers to research questions related to the functioning of today's world.

A world whose pace of development is determined by climate change, environmental change, and legal regulations related to ESG. This entails the need to build awareness of how important it is to take care of the planet we live on.


On behalf of the broad KEEKS 2024 Organizing Committee representing supervisors and members of scientific clubs and members of the project team "We are zeroing emissions - knowledge transfer (from) the University of Gdańsk" we would like to thank all the Speakers, Participants and Organizers for their contribution to the success of this event, long hours of joint work and plans, which resulted in such an integrating experience that is our ecological brick to build the world for the coming years and decades.

See you at the next editions of KEEKS!