3rd edition of the INTERMODAL IN POLAND Congress

Posted on 2023-06-17

The third edition of the INTERMODAL IN POLAND congress was held in Janów Podlaski, attended by a record number of 400 participants representing companies from the TSL industry, suppliers of technologies and IT tools for the logistics sector, public administration and universities.

During the congress, Dr. Dorota Książkiewicz, representing the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk, led a discussion panel entitled "REPowerEU, the energy crisis and changes in modalities in transport".

The discussion concerned the competitiveness of rail transport in contemporary economic and geopolitical realities.

Rail operators pointed to barriers in functioning resulting primarily from the increase in energy prices, insufficient quality of rail transport infrastructure in Poland and the lack of sufficient workforce.

Panellists Halina Bajczuk from PKP CARGO S.A., Michał Kotowicz from CTL Logistics Group and Marcin Trela from UTK also referred to the possibility of using hydrogen fuel in rail transport in the future.

The debate ended with a summary of EU legislative activities in the field of supporting intermodality and rail transport.

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Transformacja energetyczna może wesprzeć transport intermodalny - IntermodalNews IntermodalNews