SEA-EU Virtual Tandem Language Exchange

Posted on 2022-03-24

On behalf of the SEA-EU team, we are pleased to inform you about the arrival of a new language initiative - SEA-EU Virtual Tandem Language Exchange. This is a platform that allows you to find a partner with whom you can develop your communication skills in a foreign language. Simply log in and specify your language competence (as a teacher) and language needs (as a learner) and an algorithm will find you a suitable learning partner. SEA-EU Virtual Tandem Language Exchange gives you the opportunity to schedule lessons at different frequencies according to your needs and is an opportunity to meet new potential study partners.

Participation in SEA-EU Virtual Language Courses, as well as in the SEA-EU Virtual Tandem Language Exchange programme, is free of charge for students and staff of SEA-EU partner universities.

For more information about the SEA-EU Virtual Tandem Language Exchange, please visit:

We encourage you to visit the platform and register.