Sports success of the student of Economics

Posted on 2022-02-14

In recent days, we kept our fingers crossed for our Olympians taking part in the Beijing Winter Olympics, and especially for the student of the Faculty of Economics, Ms Nikola Mazur.

Ms Nikola Mazur, a student of Economics at our faculty, together with Kamila Stormowska, Patrycja Maliszewska and Natalia Maliszewska, took the sixth place in the short track in the 3000 m relay competition during the Winter Olympics in Beijing.

Let us remind you that Nikola Mazur is also the Polish vice-champion in this increasingly popular sport discipline.

Congratulations and we wish you continued success!

Ms. Nikola, see you in Sopot!

Dean's team and the community of the Faculty of Economics

More information:

Polski Komitet Olimpijski, Sztafeta kobiet w short tracku na 6. miejscu

W końcu radość Polek. Łzy zastąpiły szerokie uśmiechy, Onet Sport/PAP