Next round of recruiting for SAP TERP10

Posted on 2020-11-02

On November 2-9, 2020, additional recruitment for the SAP TERP10 training takes place.

It is an element of the project "PROgram for Development of University of Gdańsk (ProUG)" under the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development (POWER), Module 2, Task 4.

The SAP TERP10 training is an intensive course covering 10 training days in the field of comprehensive business process support in SAP ERP 6.08 software, used by the largest companies in the world. SAP is a leader in the ERP market in Poland and Europe.

Applications can be submitted by all Master students at the Faculty (both MSG and Economics). Second-year students will be preferred.

The number of places is limited to 25.
A primary list of participants and a reserve list will be created.

The training will take place in two parts: December 9-13, 2020 and December 16-20, 2020.
The dates may change in case of technical problems.

For enrollment, please contact Agnieszka Szmelter-Jarosz, PhD

More details are available on the ProUG recruitment website in our Faculty.