Thomson Reuters Open Day 13th of May, 2015

Posted on 2015-05-08

You can still register! Use the opportunity and improve your skills! (mail:

 Bring Your Energy! We Have Career Workshops For You!

 9.45-11.15 The basics of negotiations in business surrounding

Magdalena Jesionowska-Misior C201 

At this workshop you will learn what the key skills of a good negotiator are and what the primary negotiation styles are. You will also do some practical exercises.

11.30-13.00 The art of writing an excellent CV

Anita Charkot-Kozakiewicz C102

At this workshop you will learn how to structure your CV to make it clear and easy to follow by a recruiter.

You will also get tips and ideas on how to sum up your experience, even if you feel you have nothing to be shared because you are a student and you don't have a job yet. We may convince you that there's a number of skills you can actually present.

For this workshop, please take your updated CV so we may give you some practical tips on it.

11.30-13.00 How to do well in the job interview?

Anita Charkot-Kozakiewicz C103

At this workshop you will learn how to prepare and present yourself at a job interview. Among others, we will teach you STAR technique to effectively answer questions about your experience and behaviours in certain situations. And we will address all your doubts you have about job interview.

There are up to 25 seats for every workshop and you need to register in order to participate!

Mail: and name the workshop/s You are interested in in the title!