Classes organization at the Faculty of Economics

Posted on 2020-09-03

Classes organization at the Faculty of Economics
in winter semester 2020/2021

Information for IB students

Information for employees, lecturers and students of the Faculty of Economics


Meetings with students of the first year of first degree studies (adaptation days) will be held from September 28 till October 1, 2020. Classes at the Faculty of Economics start on October 2, 2020.

With reference to Regulation No. 86/R/20 of the Rector of the University of Gdańsk of August 24, 2020 on the organization of teaching and research activities of the University of Gdańsk during the period of risk of coronavirus infection with SARS-Cov-2 in the winter semester of the academic year 2020/2021, the following organization of classes has been set at the Faculty of Economics in the winter semester 2020/2021.



Students of full-time studies (International Business specialization):

I YEAR (1st degree studies) 

Classes (exercises) will be scheduled on specific days of each week (no lectures will be scheduled on these days) and can be held in the required time at the faculty, in lecture halls or large rooms.

Days of the week reserved for indoor classes :
International Business specialization: Fridays

II YEAR, III YEAR (1st degree studies)
I YEAR, II YEAR (2nd degree studies)

One day a week in the basic plan will be free off classes for students of each year; on this day, stationary classes can be held, which, due to the need to obtain learning outcomes, must be completed, in whole or in part, in direct contact with the teacher (exercises, seminars).

These classes will be planned in advance in large rooms and the plan for a specific day will have to be accepted by the dean each time.

Days of the week reserved for indoor classes :

International Business specialization

2 SS1 - Mondays
3 SS1 - Fridays
1 SS2 - Mondays
2 SS2 – Fridays



  1. Whenever possible, classes at the faculty will be planned in one room for students so as to limit movement around the faculty.
  2. After entering the building, students will go directly to the place where classes are held.


Dean of the Faculty of Economics
Monika Bšk, Associate Professor