Charity christmas fundraiser for hospice

Posted on 2021-12-14
                                                       Let's support Ho Ho Hospice with us!              Christmas is right around the corner, it's a great occassion to do something good and help those in real need. As a members of Student's Business Club (SKB), we've decided to organise the charity Christmas fundraiser for Caritas Hospice House of St. Joseph in Sopot. With our combined forces, we're going to collect funds for necessary utility goods for hospice residents such as wet wipes, hygienic pads 60x90cm, hydrating skin creams, household chemicals, office supplies and groceries. Fundraiser takes place physically in our UG Economic Department, and also online, under the following link:        We heartily encourage you to get involved in our charity event, every support counts! Let's ask ourselves a question- isn't it worth giving up one coffe in order to help people who really need it, and make them smile? We're counting on you!:)           link to the Facebook event: