Additional recruitment for SAP TERP10 training

Posted on 2021-06-07

From June 7 to June 12, 2021, additional recruitment for SAP TERP10 training will take place.

It is an element of the project "PROgram of Development of the University of Gdańsk (ProUG)" under the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development (POWER), Module 2, Task 4.

The SAP TERP10 training is an intensive course covering 10 training days in the field of comprehensive business process support in SAP ERP 6.08 software, used by the largest companies in the world. SAP is a leader on the ERP market in Poland and Europe.

The training will be very comprehensive and will include the following areas: Materials Management, Sales and Distribution, Production Planning and Execution, Warehouse Management, Financial Accounting, Controlling, Human Resources Management, Enterprise Asset Management, Project Management.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the training will take place online on the MS Teams platform.

Training participants will receive unlimited access to ERP software for the duration of the training and preparation for the exam. Training materials will be prepared for each user. Each participant of this highly valuable training will receive a training completion certificate and will be required to take part in the official SAP AG certification exam. The training is free. Taking the certification exam (without the obligation to pass it) will also be free. The participant does not bear any fees related to the implementation of the training.

Training will be conducted in English by certified employees of the University of Gdańsk: Dr. Agnieszka Szmelter-Jarosz and M.Sc. Dariusz Weiland.

Applications may be submitted by all students of 2nd degree studies in the field of Economics and MSG and students of the 3rd and 2nd year of 1st degree studies in the field of Economics and MSG. Second-year students of second-cycle studies will be preferred.

The number of places is limited to 25.

The training will take place between June 26, 2021 and July 11, 2021.

We invite you to take part in this specialized training prepared as part of the "ProUG" project for students of the Faculty of Economics! The regulations for recruitment and participation in the training are available HERE.

Recruitment lasts until June 12, 2021 (23:59).

Applications should be sent by e-mail to Dr. Agnieszka Szmelter-Jarosz (name, surname, year and degree of study, field of study, specialization).

Any questions should be directed to the person responsible for the implementation of the training: Dr. Agnieszka Szmelter-Jarosz

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