Electronic Business

The Electronic Business specialization description.




In the developed countries great attention is focused on changes in economics resulting from the explosion of information technologies. At present there is no doubt that the economic system is undergoing profound changes as a result of the revolutionary use of information technology.




Running a business using IT resources and telematics networks with the Internet is the basic standard of the dynamically developing information society.




International and European economic institutions promote and support revolutionary changes in the ways of doing business caused by the influence of new information technologies and global computer networks.




The Electronic Business specialization meets these modern trends and fills the educational gap caused by the revolutionary changes in the economy.




The Electronic Business specialization is for economics students who want to broaden their knowledge in the field of computer science and learn how to use it in business practice.




The aim of the Electronic Business specialization is to educate a new class of IT managers who will be able to creatively and effectively function in the electronic economy.




The Electronic Business specialization prepares students to use the latest information technologies and methods of electronic entrepreneurship, the use of which determines the successful functioning of enterprises in an integrating electronic economy.




Subject matter of the lectures introduces students to the latest concepts of the information society and practical solutions in the functioning of electronic markets.




After graduation of the Business Electronic specialization, a graduate can gain a competitive advantage in the labour market, because his knowledge as an economist will complement modern, boundless, interdisciplinary and global Electronic Commerce.




All forecasts and analyzes of the labour market indicate that the demand for electronic business specialists will grow rapidly, not only in Poland but throughout Europe and the USA.