Monika B¹k
Katedra Badań Porównawczych Systemów Transportowych Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego/ Chair of Comparative Research of Transport Systems
This website and on-line database was elaborated on the base of the book of Monika B¹k ‘Central and Eastern Europe towards transformation challenges’ (in Polish).
Data is updated currently. Database is systematically extended. It includes 20 Central and Eastern European countries (CEEC). Data concerns the period from the beginning of transformation until the last available year (in some cases data from the beginning of 90s of XX century was not available).
Comments or questions to the author are welcome – Monika B¹k – Chair of Comparative Research of Transport Systems, e-mail:
More information and theoretical model available in the book (only in Polish):
Europa rodkowa i Wschodnia wobec wyzwania transformacyjnego. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, ISBN 83-7326-338-1, Gdańsk 2006.
Copyright of the database and online website: Monika B¹k
While cited, please quote the data sources available under the tables and the Internet website address: Bak, M., Central and Eastern Europe,
Important updates: |
24.10.2011 | Useful links updating |
30.03.2011 | Database updated (traditional analysis of transformation and effects of transformation) |
14.09.2010 | International institutions - updating |
02.04.2009 | Database updated - analysis of institutional changes. |
27.10.2008 | Links to external databases online including transport statistics for CEE countries (UNECE and International Transport Forum databases) - added to TRANSPORT segment in database. |
6.10.2008 | Additional electronic versions of the statistical reports were added to TRANSPORT segment in database. |
20.09.2008 | Database was enlarged. TRANSPORT and TOURISM segments were added. More than 250 new tables include statistical national data and international comparisons as well as some statistical reports available publicly. Website is constructed in Polish and English version. Additionally statistical macroeconomic tables were updated.. |